By Author "byron schirmbeck" - page 6
One Day Political Activist Class coming to Houston and Beaumont!
You need to be at this class! We will also be looking for leaders to step up to help grow our groups. Details are below. Do you know how to work the legislature, or are you going to be worked over by the legislature... again? I am confident [...]
Internet Sales Tax Petition turned in!
I feel privileged to have presented YOUR petition to several Texas Congressmen who think you don't pay enough in taxes! With your help we got over 3400 signatures on our "no internet sales tax" petition! I personally delivered thousands [...]
14 Texas "Republican" Congressmen vote for more NSA spying
Unfortunately, Texas had fourteen of our Republican U.S. Representatives join forces with Sheila Jackson Lee, Nancy Pelosi and Debbie Wasserman Schultz to vote against an amendment by Representative Justin Amash that would have prohibited the [...]
Sign the Texas Red Light Camera Petition
Texas, one of the freest states in the nation, has suffered too long under the guise of big government money grabbing ticket cameras. I urge you to sign our petition HERE to tell the entire Texas legislature it is time for the cameras to go!
It's candidate survey time again!
As you probably already know one of Campaign For Liberty's biggest projects is the annual survey sent out to candidates where we try to pin slippery politicians down on liberty issues. These surveys have been mailed out and the deadline has [...]
Sign the petition to stop the Internet Sales Tax bill!
If you have been keeping up with Campaign For Liberty issues you know how bad the so called "market place fairness act" bill is and why we need to stop it! It imposes unnecessary burdens on small businesses, creates a massive new tax increase on [...]
Harris County D.A. Mike Anderson Wants Your Blood!
MUST HAVE BLOOD! Newly elected Harris County District Attorney Mike Anderson recently announced his plan to make "no refusal" weekends a year round policy. This means that any driver that refuses a breathalyzer [...]