By Author "Heather_D" - page 17
Georgia February 5 2013 State Legislative Candidates
Dear Supporter, Campaign for Liberty gave candidates for the Georgia 2013 Special Election an opportunity to provide a straight answer to the following questions. The candidates’ answers can be seen below the list of questions. SURVEY [...]
Mississippi 2012 State House District 52 Runoff Candidates
Dear Supporter, Campaign for Liberty gave candidates for the Mississippi House District 52 Run-off an opportunity to provide a straight answer to the following questions. The candidates' answers can be seen below the list of [...]
Georgia 2013 State Legislative Candidates
Dear Supporter, Campaign for Liberty gave candidates for the Georgia 2013 Special Election an opportunity to provide a straight answer to the following questions. The candidates' answers can be seen below the list of questions. SURVEY [...]
New York State Legislative Candidates
Dear Supporter, Campaign for Liberty gave candidates for State House and Senate an opportunity to provide a straight answer to the following questions. The candidates’ answers can be seen below the list of questions. QUESTIONS 1) [...]