End Party Over Principle

Are you tired of not knowing where candidates really stand on critical liberty issues? Campaign season is upon us, and we’ve all heard the political rhetoric that comes with it. Many of our legislators have gotten comfortable spewing [...]

Stop ObamaCare in Nebraska

Some legislators in Nebraska just can’t seem to take no for an answer. Sources at the capital are telling me that ObamaCare stooges – like Senator Kathy Campbell and Senator John McCollister – are mounting an effort to force ObamaCare [...]

Gov. Bevin, let's tear it down

“Absolutely. No question about it. I would reverse that immediately.” That’s what candidate Matt Bevin promised in 2015, regarding Kentucky’s careless ObamaCare expansion scheme. “The Medicaid expansion enacted under ObamaCare is [...]

It is a Constitutional Convention (Art V)

The Convention Of States lawyers have lied to you. Article V Convention supporters claim they aren't pushing for a Constitutional Convention.  Their lawyers have agreed.  However, Blacks Law Dictionary, the definitive source for lawyers, [...]

Red Light Cameras

Automated Ticketing Machines (ATMs), more commonly known as speed or red light cameras, are popping up on street corners across the country. They’re sold to the public by greedy city councils and state legislatures as a way to reduce [...]

Stop SD ObamaCare Expansion

You are paying the health insurance bills for 97% of Obama’s “newly insured.” And if Governor Daugaard gets his way, you’ll be paying for even more. ObamaCare stooges swore their scheme would bring prices down, since “everyone [...]

Stop ObamaCare in Alabama

“ObamaCare is a disaster for Alabama.” That’s what Governor Bentley posted on his campaign Facebook account in 2014. “Share this post if you agree with me that Alabama should reject ObamaCare,” he went on. So what did he have [...]

End Walker's ObamaCare Scheme

You are paying the health insurance bills for 97% of Obama’s “newly insured.” ObamaCare stooges swore their scheme would bring prices down, since “everyone would have to pay something in.” According to Heritage Foundation, 97% of [...]

Judge, Jury, and Executioner

H.B. 602, a dangerous bill that will allow law enforcement drones to be equipped with chemical weapons, passed committee at the end of 2015 and is on the calendar for a vote in the State House this week. Police drones equipped with any kind of [...]

No-Knock Raids

“I heard my baby wailing and asked one of the officers to let me hold him,” Alecia Phonesavanh recalled when describing the pre-dawn raid. “He screamed at me to sit down and shut up and blocked my view, so I couldn’t see my son. I could [...]