By Author "Norm Singleton" - page 14

This Week in Congress Wrap Up
Here is the vote to allow debate on Senator Rand Paul’s legislation blocking arm sales to Qatar. The vote was 42-57. Mike Lee and Ted Cruz were the only Republicans to join Senator Paul in voting to block the arm sales. Here is the roll-call [...]

This Week in Congress
This Thursday, the Senate will vote on Senator Rand Paul’s resolution blocking President Trump’s arms sales to Qatar — more on that here. The Senate will also vote on nominations. The House is in session Monday through Thursday. The [...]

Congress Wrap-up
With Congress out of town this is a good time to go over some of the most significant roll-call votes of recent months. Here is the vote on final phase of H.R. 1994, the bill making changes to federal laws governing retirement plans and changing [...]

Hands Off the Electoral College
The "National Popular Vote Compact" (NPV) is a major threat to our constitutionally limited Republic and could disenfranchise voters from all but a few large states. The NPV is a compact between states which would bind member states' presidential [...]

Ron Paul and Norman Singleton on Kansas Campaign for Liberty’s Victory for Sound Money
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul and President Norm Singleton issued the following statements regarding Kansas’ legislation exempting precious metals from state sales taxes. Passage of this legislation has been a priority for Kansas [...]

The first Audit the Fed “Banner Bomb” ads are up!
But Dr. Paul is counting on your help to keep them running. . . Our biggest concern is we may not be able to fully implement Phase One of this “Banner Bomb” program without an immediate influx of support from liberty-minded patriots like [...]

This Week in Congress
The House was in session Monday through Wednesday. The most significant vote was approving the $19.2 billion disaster supplemental. The bill passed by a vote of 354-58. Every Democrat and 132 Republicans voted for it; 58 Republicans voted [...]

Disaster of a Disaster Bill
Late last week, the U.S. Senate reached a deal on the disaster supplemental. The final cost of the bill came to $19 billion in “emergency” spending. President Trump, at the urging of Senate leaders, dropped his demand that the bill be [...]

Ron Paul to Senate: Give Homeschoolers a (Tax) Break
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul issued the following statement in support of adding a provision allowing families to use “529” savings accounts for homeschooling expenses to H.R. 1994. H.R. 1994 makes changes to rules regarding [...]

This Week in Congress Part Three: Pelosi Uses Gold Star Families as Pawns
Earlier this week, I told you House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had language allowing homeschooling families to use 529 education savings accounts removed from H.R. 1994, which makes changes to rules governing retirement savings accounts. She also [...]