By Author "Norm Singleton" - page 16

Sophie Scholl and the White Rose Movement
Since today is Holocaust Remembrance Day, it is fitting to reflect on the legacy of Sophie Scholl, leader of the White Rose movement. The White Rose movement was a group of German students who distributed pamphlets calling for active, albeit [...]

This Week in Congress
The House is in Monday through Thursday. The major legislation that the House will consider this week is H.R. 9. This bill nullifies President Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accords by forbidding the use of federal funds to withdraw [...]

Ron Paul Classic: Whistle-blowers are Heroes
With Julian Assange’s arrest restarting the debate over the role of whistle-blowers, now is an excellent time to revisit Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul’s 2017 column for USA TODAY, “Whistle-blowers are heroic, patriotic.” You can [...]
Ron Paul Classic: Lying is not Patriotic
With the arrest of Julian Assange, this seems like a good time to revisit Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul’s official speech on wikileaks publication of the Private Manning leaks. You can read the speech here and [...]
Did Ecuador Make a Deal?
Last Monday the International Monetary Fund (IMF) released the first part of a $4.2 billion three-peat loan to Ecuador. The loan is to help Ecuador’s economic modernization program. The US Government supposedly pressured its fellow members of [...]

This Week in Congress Part 2
Yesterday, The House Rules Committee held a hearing on Medicare for all. It is very unusual for Rules to hold a hearing on any bill that has not already passed a legislative committee and is proceeding to the floor. This may be because the [...]

Profit Motive: Trump’s Trade Policy and How it Might Fail with China
Today we have a special guest blog from Charles Sauer. Charles is President of the Market Institute and a longtime liberty activist. This piece is an excerpt from his book Profit Motive, explaining why the US is likely to lose any trade wars [...]
Ron Paul: Fed is Deserting Society
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul recently discussed the negative effects of the Federal Reserve on our economy, and he mentioned Campaign for Liberty’s efforts to pass the Audit the Fed bill and pass state laws recognizing gold and silver [...]
Norm Singleton: Trump Has Been Neo-conned
Campaign for Liberty President Norm Singleton issued the following statement regarding President Trump’s veto of S.J.Res. 7, which directed him to end US involvement in the Yemen Civil War: “As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump promised [...]
When They Came for Julian Assange
You probably heard Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks, was arrested by British authorities yesterday. Mr. Assange has been living in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London since 2012. Assange is expected to be extradited to the United States, where [...]