Congratulations to my friends Jack Hunter, editor of RARE and regular LPAC speaker, and Brittany Elisa-Leme Hemsath on their engagement. Jack and Brittany met at LPAC 2011 and starting dating shortly after LPAC 2012. Jack and Brittany were both active in Ron Paul's 2008 and 2012 campaigns. Many readers of this blog will remember that Jack was the official blogger for Ron Paul 2012.
Congratulations as well to my friends Jonathan Bydlak, Founder and President of the Coalition to Reduce Spending and speaker at LPAC 2013 and 2014, and Rebekah Johansen, the Coalition's Outreach director who also got engaged this weekend. As their shared employment suggests, Jonathan and Rebekah also met due to their shared commitment to liberty. Jonathan's first major political job was doing fundraising for Ron Paul's 2008 campaign. Rebekah was one of the many young people who was introduced to the ideas of liberty by Ron Paul, and was active in Young Americans for Liberty.
As Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul is fond of saying liberty brings people together.
Tags: LPAC, Jack Hunter, Jonathan Bydlak