We can win this

Have you taken action to stop a vaccine passport from becoming a reality?

There are a lot of misconceptions about what a vaccine passport is and it’s certainly not a paper card proving that you’ve had a specific shot. Those have been around for decades.

In reality, a vaccine passport is a digital health record tied to your purchase history, location data, proximity to other people, and can be used to mandate any health procedure, including the COVID booster shots Big Pharma is currently discussing for this fall.

Even for those who’ve gotten the experimental COVID shots, a vaccine passport could be used to exclude them from receiving basic services, conducting business, traveling, and even going to school . . . if they don’t get the upcoming “booster shots!

Once this tyranny gets a foothold, the health tyrants and Big Pharma fat cats will use it to track your every move and coerce your compliance with as many experimental vaccinations they think they can get away with.

Please read Dr. Paul's urgent message below, and then sign your petition and ask your contacts to do the same.


Total surveillance of our daily lives is the goal of the tyrants in D.C. and in states across America . . . and it has been for some time. The COVID crisis has already been used as the excuse for so many historic abuses of power.

Tyrannical governors in our country have felt justified to demand that healthy people not leave their homes, not see or spend time with their family, close their businesses, their churches, and their schools, miss graduations, cancel weddings, miss the final moments of the lives of their loved ones, and on and on.

And that’s not to mention all the mask tyranny that was never based on any kind of data or “science” but simply a submission or virtue signaling ritual, which is still mandatory in places like California, and Washington, D.C.

But now that the power over our daily lives and restricting our very ability to breathe fresh air is waning as people have demanded their freedoms back, one final COVID power grab is on the table.

You and I must put to a stop to it or health freedom is lost, possibly for good.

I don’t like to be the bearer of bad news, but if you thought the lockdown and mask tyranny was bad, a vaccine passport scheme would be much worse and much more permanent.

There is good news, however, that I must report, and it’s all due to the pressure of concerned citizens and liberty activists like you from across the country.

A bill to ban the practice of using vaccine passports at the federal level was introduced last Friday.

Campaign for Liberty called for this type of legislation with a petition last week and just a few days later, the bill became a reality. But the fight is far from over to get this legislation passed into law.

Sign the petition now!

I am confident we can defeat all the lingering COVID tyranny by beating vaccine passports, so the key is to compel Congress to act.

There are a lot of misconceptions about what a vaccine passport is and it’s certainly not a paper card proving that you’ve had a specific shot. Those have been around for decades.

In reality, a vaccine passport is a digital health record tied to your purchase history, location data, proximity to other people, and can be used to mandate any health procedure, including the COVID booster shots Big Pharma is currently discussing for this fall.

Even for those who’ve gotten the experimental COVID shots, a vaccine passport could be used to exclude them from receiving basic services, conducting business, traveling, and even going to school . . . if they don’t get the upcoming “booster shots!

Once this tyranny gets a foothold, the health tyrants and Big Pharma fat cats will use it to track your every move and coerce your compliance with as many experimental vaccinations they think they can get away with.

The statists are counting on the private sector, led by giant corporate operations, to roll it out and not give the average person a choice on opting out of the experimental COVID shot . . . if they want to participate in society!

It’s past time for Congress to act.

With airlines, sports teams, and even some states experimenting with a health certificate proving you’ve received the COVID shot through a vaccine passport smartphone app or other approved documents, it won’t be long before the federal government moves to either create a federal passport or offer states “incentives” to create one under “federally approved guidelines.”

They will claim fifty different sets of laws creates too much confusion.

That’s why it’s critical you and I take action against this tyranny NOW -- before it’s too late!

Sign the petition to your U.S. Senators and Representative demanding they pass legislation to ban any federal vaccine passport scheme.

Don’t believe the denials

President Biden and his administration have flip-flopped on the issue multiple times, including late last week when the administration said they are now looking at vaccine passports for international travel shortly after saying they were not making plans for a federal vaccine passport.

Do you really believe they’ll stop there?

The issue with accepting any of their statements at face value is these same statists will inevitably come back later and vow to do more to clear up all the confusion of multiple systems and in order to enforce one uniform policy.

And even if the government doesn’t come out with an official vaccine passport, they have admitted they are working with private businesses to make it happen.

This is all coming to a head very quickly.

The health bureaucrats, like Dr. Anthony Fauci and those at the CDC, are quickly losing credibility, so there’s a very short window of time to get corporations to buy in to vaccine passports while the public is still frightened.

I’m afraid just a handful of states courageously stepping up may not be enough to head this tyranny off with so much at stake!

Once a vaccine passport scheme is implemented, it will be incredibly difficult to break free.

These people will not stop until we demand they stop and then stop complying with any of their mandates.

Sign the petition at once!

If vaccine passports become widespread, the very worst of the lies surrounding this pandemic will be made a permanent part of our lives.

Americans are more than capable of making their own health decisions, and Congress needs to defend that right.

It is their duty.


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