Current Events - page 3
Do what you're told
Do what you’re told! As America is still wondering where we stand on the election front, we must also ask what’s next on the lockdown front . . . and the two are deeply intertwined. In Italy, where coronavirus rates reportedly (if you [...]
Unique patient identifiers, forced vaccinations ... what is next?
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has proposed the next multi-trillion dollar "coronavirus relief” spending bill that will support testing, tracing, treatment, isolation, and mask policies that have been part of a “national strategic plan” she has [...]
U.S. court confirms C4L: Mass surveillance program exposed by Snowden was illegal
For years, Campaign for Liberty has fought government spying on American citizens, the overreach of government agencies like the NSA that facilitates the spying, and the lies that follow (see former Director of National Intelligence Director [...]

Is the Texas Covid ‘Spike’ Fake News?
On July 2nd, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order mandating the wearing of face masks across the state, whether indoors or outdoors, when six feet cannot be maintained between people. In the governor’s decree, he cited a rise in [...]
Action needed to stop police militarization
You may have seen them in your town. . . Police armed with grenade launchers. . . Driving around in militarized vehicles. . . Drones flying through the skies keeping a watchful eye on the people. And you may have wondered [...]
Say NO to Forced Vaccinations
Early reports don’t look good. The failures and major side effects reported in coronavirus vaccine trials are downright scary. One trial was halted because a participant had to be hospitalized after developing transverse myelitis, a [...]
The cure is worse than the disease
Forced vaccinations. . . Digital immunity certificates. . . This is what we face -- and it’s coming at us quickly. I'm very concerned politicians and Big Pharma are just a few short weeks away from stripping away your health freedom in [...]

Ron Paul on the Rebel Capitalist
C4L Chairman Ron Paul appeared on George Gammon's Rebel Capitalist show on Wednesday to discuss several topics, including Audit the Fed. Click here to watch.

The Media is Lying About the ‘Second Wave’
For months, the Washington Post and the rest of the mainstream media kept a morbid Covid-19 “death count” on their front pages and at the top of their news broadcasts. The coronavirus outbreak was all about the number of dead. The narrative [...]
Unyoke American Meat Production!
It should never happen in this country. Chicken and pigs are being euthanized, milk is being poured out, and crops are being tilled under. All the while, American citizens are waiting in miles-long lines at the nation’s food banks. The [...]