The Federal Reserve's history of opposing transparency

Roger Auerbach, University of Texas Professor of Public Affairs and expert on aspects of the Federal Reserve's past that the Fed would prefer to keep hidden, has published a must-read article in the Huffington Post exploring the  Federal [...]

Chinese Yuan Pushes to Topple Dollar as World Reserve Currency

China took another step in its push to make the Yuan the World's Reserve Currency instead of the Dollar. From Bloomberg: China took another step to boost the yuan’s global usage, saying it will start direct trading with the Swiss franc, as the [...]

Video on the Federal Reserve: The Greatest Scam in the History of Mankind

Below is a video on the Federal Reserve which explains how Fractional Reserve Banking and Open Market Committee operations work. This is why we need to Audit the Fed. Help Campaign for Liberty audit the Federal Reserve.

Ron Paul Classic: Take the Fed, leave the Penny

The recent proposals to eliminate the paper dollar is not the first time Congress has examined the costs of producing currency. For many years, there has been an effort to eliminate the penny. One reason for this is that it costs more than one [...]

RON PAUL: Blame the Federal Reserve, Not China, for Stock Market Crash

Following Monday’s historic stock market downturn, many politicians and so-called economic experts rushed to the microphones to explain why the market crashed and to propose "solutions” to our economic woes. Not surprisingly, most of those [...]

Federal Reserve Hires ANOTHER Goldman Sachs Executive

The Federal Reserve announced the hiring of yet another former Goldman Sachs executive.  Neel Kashkari will be the president of the Minneapolis Fed. With this latest appointment, four of the Fed's 12 regional banks will be headed by former [...]

Janet Yellen Says Fed Could Turn to Negative Interest Rates

We all know that the Federal Reserve has artificially kept interest rates low for quite some time. Central banks argue (incorrectly) that in times of economic downturn lowering interest rates can help stimulate the economy. But what happens when [...]

RON PAUL: Congress and the Fed Refuse to Learn From Their Mistakes

This month marks the seventh anniversary of the bursting of the housing bubble and the subsequent economic meltdown. The mood in Congress following the meltdown resembled the panicked atmosphere that followed the September 11th attacks. As was [...]

Audit the Fed More Necessary Than Ever

In his most recent Texas Straight Talk, Dr. Ron Paul argued that Americans ought to blame the Fed, not China, for the recent stock market crash. Many blamed the crash on China’s recent currency devaluation. It is true that the crash was [...]

The Federal Reserve & the War on Drugs

By Danny Lewis The Federal Reserve is now taking part in the drug war. The Kansas City Federal Reserve is bullying Colorado’s Fourth Corner Credit Union which serves the interests of legal marijuana and hemp industries in the state. An [...]