Ron Paul - page 19

Obamacare Repeal or Obamacare 2.0?
This Thursday, the House of Representatives will vote on a Republican bill that supposedly repeals Obamacare. However, the bill retains Obamacare’s most destructive features. That is not to say this legislation is entirely without merit. For [...]

Ron Paul: Paper is not money it's fraud
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul had a successful appearance before the Arizona Senate Finance Committee yesterday in support of HB 2014, legislation recognizing gold and silver as legal tender. Following Dr. Paul's appearance, the [...]

Arizona Challenges the Fed’s Money Monopoly
History shows that, if individuals have the freedom to choose what to use as money, they will likely opt for gold or silver. Of course, modern politicians and their Keynesian enablers despise the gold or silver standard. This is because [...]
The Fed is Not Happy
You may have heard Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul is coming to Arizona next week. He’s hoping to help push HB 2014 -- which has already passed the state House -- through the Arizona Senate and into law. HB 2014 takes a major step [...]

On Military and Spending, It’s Trump Versus Trump
It can be a challenge to follow the pronouncements of President Trump, as he often seems to change his position on any number of items from week to week, or from day to day, or even from minute to minute. Consider his speech last week at the [...]
Why Trump’s Syria 'Surge' Will Fail
Last week President Trump significantly escalated the US military presence in Syria, sending some 400 Marines to the ISIS-controlled Raqqa, and several dozen Army Rangers to the contested area around Manbij. According to press reports he will [...]
Last Chance
Time is running out to purchase your tickets for the exclusive reception with Dr. Paul. Unfortunately, we’ll have to shut down sales tomorrow afternoon (March 7), so we can finalize all of the details for the event. The reception is being [...]

The Federal Reserve Explained in Three Minutes
Our friends at the Ron Paul Liberty Report have posed a very informational and entertaining video explaining how the Federal Reserve--and its favorite crony capitalists-- profit by facilitating the growth of the welfare-warfare state. Watch [...]

See Ron Paul and Help End the Fed's Money Monopoly!
If you live in or near Phoenix, Arizona mark your calendars for March 8 (next Wednesday), because you will have three opportunities to hear Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul talk about the subject that inspired him to get involved in public [...]

Trump’s ISIS Plan: Another US Invasion?
Just over a week into the Trump Administration, the President issued an Executive Order giving Defense Secretary James Mattis 30 days to come up with a plan to defeat ISIS. According to the Order, the plan should make recommendations on military [...]