Ron Paul - page 29

Ron Paul Classic: Oppose the "Sheldon Adelson" iGaming Ban
Representative (and candidate to succeed John Boehner as Speaker of the House) Jason Chaffetz is not only the lead house sponsor of the National Internet Sales Tax Mandate, he is also the lead sponsor of the so-called "Restoration of America's [...]

Swords Into Plowshares Playlist: Part Two
Here is part two of the Swords Into Plowshares playlist. Read Part One here. Make sure you buy your copy of Swords Into Plowshares here. Chapter Eleven: "A Unilateral Declaration of Peace" Song: "Brings the Boys Home" by Freda [...]

Classic Ron Paul: Don't Trust the Fed
Thanks to Paul-Martin Foss of the indispensable Carl Menger Center for the Study of Money and Banking for finding this 1979 speech by Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul on the Federal Reserve. While this speech was delivered thirty-six [...]

WATCH: Ron Paul on Fox Business talking about the Syrian Migrant Crisis
Watch C4L Chairman Ron Paul talk about the Syrian Migrant Crisis on Fox Business below: Watch the latest video at

Ron Paul on Migrant Crisis
Watch C4L Chairman Ron Paul's interview on Fox Business this morning about the Migrant Crisis in Europe and the Middle East: Watch the latest video at

Ron Paul Classic: Internet Sales Taxes Crush Small Bussinesses
With Representative Jason Chaffetz, the lead sponsor of the "Remote Transactions Parity Act," (H.R. 2775),the House version of the National Internet Sales Tax Mandate, seeking to succeed John Boehner as Speaker of the House, this seems like a [...]

Ron Paul for Speaker?
Following John Boehner’s announcement that he was stepping down as Speaker of the House, some prominent liberty movement leaders suggested Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul succeed Boehner as Speaker of the House. After all the Speaker [...]

Ron Paul Classic: Blame the Fed for the crash
This month marks the eight-year anniversary of the bursting of the housing bubble and the resulting stock market downturn. Following this crash, Congress passed the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, legislation authorizing the use of [...]

RON PAUL: Blame America? No, Blame Neocons!
Is the current refugee crisis gripping the European Union “all America’s fault”? That is how my critique of US foreign policy was characterized in a recent interview on the Fox Business Channel. I do not blame the host for making this [...]

Ron Paul: iGaming Ban a bad bet
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul recently penned an op-ed for US News and World Report explaining why support for the so-called Restoration of America's Wireless Act (more accurately named the iGaming Ban) is a sure-fire way to lose the [...]