Ron Paul - page 47
Ron Paul Classic: Close down the Export-Import Bank
The Export-Import Bank (Eximbank)'s kicks off its annual conference today in Washington, D.C. Eximbank is up for renewal this year and the big business lobby is preparing to pull out all the stops to make sure the taxpayer subsidies [...]
Ron Paul Discusses IRS Targeting of C4L on Cavuto
"They're after us! They want money from us!" Watch Ron Paul's interview on Cavuto discussing the IRS targeting Campaign for Liberty:
Ron Paul Classic: The IRS's job is to violate our liberties
Tax Day is a good day to reread Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk from last year on the IRS's targeting of pro-liberty and Tea Party groups . Dr. Paul makes the case that the only way to protect our civil, as well as [...]
Well, duh: Inflation May Hit the Poor Hardest
Ron Paul and Campaign for Liberty have always talked about how the Federal Reserve's inflationist policies always hurt the poor the most. Over at FiveThirtyEight they have a good analysis as to why this is the case: Over the past two years, [...]
When the IRS Attacks
Recently, the IRS levied a fine (plus interest for each day it's not paid) against Campaign for Liberty for withholding the names of our donors from the IRS on our annual 990 filing. As a matter of principle, C4L believes it is vital to [...]
Ron Paul: Another Phony Budget Debate
C4L Chairman Ron Paul takes on the phony budget debate in the latest edition of Texas Straight Talk. Under Dr. Paul's leaderhsip, Campaign for Liberty will continue to work for Real Cuts, Right Now: Anyone watching last week’s debate over [...]
Throwback Thursday: Ron Paul Lives, Will Fed be Dead?
Shortly after reintroducing Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill, Representative Paul Broun spoke to World Net Daily about the bill. Congressman Broun also released the following statement after he introduced the bill: “I first want to thank [...]
Got Freedom?
"If anybody believes in liberty, they ought to believe in the right of every individual to drink raw milk," C4L Chairman Ron Paul said in this free segment from the Ron Paul Channel. He was discussing a Politico article about two new bills [...]