Texas - page 7
Harris County D.A. Mike Anderson Wants Your Blood!
MUST HAVE BLOOD! Newly elected Harris County District Attorney Mike Anderson recently announced his plan to make "no refusal" weekends a year round policy. This means that any driver that refuses a breathalyzer [...]
Sign the Texas Red Light Camera Petition
Texas, one of the freest states in the nation, has suffered too long under the guise of big government money grabbing ticket cameras. I urge you to sign our petition HERE to tell the entire Texas legislature it is time for the cameras to go!
More States Pursuing Hard Money
By: David Heacock A couple weeks ago, we saw Texas propose an initiative to move their gold from the Federal Reserve in New York City to a newly founded state bullion depository. Consideration of such a policy shows that the actions of the Fed [...]
Texas Looks to Reclaim its Gold
By: David Heacock While Cyprus and other EU countries plunder their citizens’ bank accounts, the state of Texas seems to be making an unprecedented move towards insuring the wealth of its people. A Texas lawmaker recently announced [...]