Update: Thanks for contacting Congress! We reached our goal of obtaining more than 218 cosponsors and now stand at 223.
Keep those calls going until we secure a stand-alone roll call vote on the House floor!
Original Post:
Audit the Fed currently stands at 199 cosponsors in the U.S. House!
We’re so close to 218 and having majority support for this historic legislation.
Your call or email could be the deciding factor that brings aboard the 200th cosponsor!
And with the Fed’s recent announcement that it will keep doing more of the same that led to the housing bubble by maintaining near-zero interest rates until the end of 2014, a comprehensive Audit of the Fed has never been more critical.
If your representative is not listed below, or if you're unsure which congressman represents your district, click here to find your rep.
After you’ve called Congress, I hope you’ll also chip in $10 or $20 so Campaign for Liberty can keep the pressure on both houses of Congress for an up or down, roll call vote on Audit the Fed.
Rep Adams, Sandy - 2/11/2011
Rep Akin, W. Todd - 6/13/2011
Rep Alexander, Rodney - 1/26/2011
Rep Altmire, Jason - 2/16/2011
Rep Amash, Justin - 2/8/2011
Rep Amodei, Mark E. - 12/12/2011
Rep Austria, Steve - 4/11/2011
Rep Bachmann, Michele - 4/6/2011
Rep Bachus, Spencer - 1/26/2011
Rep Baldwin, Tammy - 2/28/2011
Rep Barletta, Lou - 2/15/2011
Rep Barrow, John - 10/13/2011
Rep Bartlett, Roscoe G. - 1/26/2011
Rep Barton, Joe - 1/26/2011
Rep Bass, Charles F. - 3/28/2012
Rep Benishek, Dan - 5/11/2011
Rep Berg, Rick - 1/18/2012
Rep Biggert, Judy - 3/29/2011
Rep Bilbray, Brian P. - 7/6/2011
Rep Bilirakis, Gus M. - 1/26/2011
Rep Bishop, Rob - 2/14/2012
Rep Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. - 2/15/2012
Rep Black, Diane - 2/7/2012
Rep Blackburn, Marsha - 1/26/2011
Rep Bonner, Jo - 6/22/2011
Rep Bono Mack, Mary - 1/18/2012
Rep Boustany, Charles W., Jr. - 5/23/2011
Rep Brooks, Mo - 2/7/2012
Rep Broun, Paul C. - 1/26/2011
Rep Buchanan, Vern - 2/8/2011
Rep Burgess, Michael C. - 1/26/2011
Rep Burton, Dan - 1/26/2011
Rep Calvert, Ken - 1/26/2011
Rep Camp, Dave - 9/12/2011
Rep Campbell, John - 1/26/2011
Rep Canseco, Francisco "Quico" - 2/8/2011
Rep Carter, John R. - 2/8/2011
Rep Cassidy, Bill - 2/15/2012
Rep Chaffetz, Jason - 1/26/2011
Rep Coble, Howard - 4/19/2012
Rep Coffman, Mike - 1/26/2011
Rep Cole, Tom - 5/10/2011
Rep Conaway, K. Michael - 2/27/2012
Rep Conyers, John, Jr. - 3/31/2011
Rep Cravaack, Chip - 11/29/2011
Rep Crawford, Eric A. "Rick" - 2/15/2012
Rep Crenshaw, Ander - 3/15/2011
Rep Culberson, John Abney - 5/2/2011
Rep Davis, Geoff - 2/8/2011
Rep DeFazio, Peter A. - 3/15/2011
Rep Dreier, David - 2/8/2011
Rep Duffy, Sean P. - 9/7/2011
Rep Duncan, Jeff - 4/15/2011
Rep Duncan, John J., Jr. - 2/8/2011
Rep Farenthold, Blake - 3/30/2011
Rep Fincher, Stephen Lee - 2/8/2011
Rep Fitzpatrick, Michael G. - 9/19/2011
Rep Flake, Jeff - 3/30/2011
Rep Flores, Bill - 1/26/2011
Rep Forbes, J. Randy - 1/26/2011
Rep Fortenberry, Jeff - 1/26/2011
Rep Foxx, Virginia - 3/29/2011
Rep Frelinghuysen, Rodney P. - 4/14/2011
Rep Gallegly, Elton - 1/26/2011
Rep Gardner, Cory - 5/2/2011
Rep Garrett, Scott - 1/26/2011
Rep Gerlach, Jim - 1/26/2011
Rep Gibbs, Bob - 3/19/2012
Rep Gibson, Christopher P. - 3/1/2011
Rep Gingrey, Phil - 9/7/2011
Rep Gohmert, Louie - 1/26/2011
Rep Goodlatte, Bob - 3/1/2011
Rep Gosar, Paul A. - 8/1/2011
Rep Gowdy, Trey - 3/29/2011
Rep Granger, Kay - 2/15/2011
Rep Graves, Sam - 4/5/2011
Rep Graves, Tom - 1/26/2011
Rep Green, Gene - 11/2/2011
Rep Griffin, Tim - 4/6/2011
Rep Griffith, H. Morgan - 3/15/2011
Rep Grimm, Michael G. - 10/24/2011
Rep Guinta, Frank C. - 4/15/2011
Rep Guthrie, Brett - 9/12/2011
Rep Hall, Ralph M. - 4/19/2012
Rep Harris, Andy - 3/11/2011
Rep Hartzler, Vicky - 9/19/2011
Rep Heck, Joseph J. - 3/29/2011
Rep Heller, Dean - 1/26/2011
Rep Herger, Wally - 4/15/2011
Rep Herrera Beutler, Jaime - 3/29/2011
Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. - 7/21/2011
Rep Hinojosa, Ruben - 3/8/2012
Rep Huelskamp, Tim - 5/3/2011
Rep Huizenga, Bill - 1/26/2011
Rep Hultgren, Randy - 6/2/2011
Rep Hurt, Robert - 5/23/2011
Rep Jenkins, Lynn - 3/30/2011
Rep Johnson, Sam - 3/10/2011
Rep Johnson, Timothy V. - 2/28/2011
Rep Jones, Walter B., Jr. - 1/26/2011
Rep Kaptur, Marcy - 1/26/2011
Rep Kelly, Mike - 5/12/2011
Rep Kingston, Jack - 3/17/2011
Rep Kinzinger, Adam - 4/19/2012
Rep Kissell, Larry - 6/2/2011
Rep Kline, John - 4/5/2011
Rep Kucinich, Dennis J. - 1/26/2011
Rep Labrador, Raul R. - 5/5/2011
Rep Lamborn, Doug - 1/26/2011
Rep Lance, Leonard - 1/26/2011
Rep Landry, Jeffrey M. - 11/29/2011
Rep Lankford, James - 2/8/2011
Rep Latham, Tom - 3/2/2011
Rep LaTourette, Steven C. - 1/26/2011
Rep Latta, Robert E. - 5/4/2011
Rep Lewis, Jerry - 1/18/2012
Rep Lipinski, Daniel - 2/27/2012
Rep LoBiondo, Frank A. - 1/26/2011
Rep Loebsack, David - 10/24/2011
Rep Lofgren, Zoe - 9/7/2011
Rep Lucas, Frank D. - 10/31/2011
Rep Luetkemeyer, Blaine - 2/8/2011
Rep Lummis, Cynthia M. - 3/29/2011
Rep Mack, Connie - 2/15/2011
Rep Manzullo, Donald A. - 3/17/2011
Rep Marchant, Kenny - 1/26/2011
Rep Marino, Tom - 3/4/2011
Rep McCarthy, Kevin - 5/23/2011
Rep McCaul, Michael T. - 1/26/2011
Rep McClintock, Tom - 1/26/2011
Rep McCotter, Thaddeus G. - 2/18/2011
Rep McDermott, Jim - 4/16/2012
Rep McGovern, James P. - 7/6/2011
Rep McIntyre, Mike - 3/29/2011
Rep McKeon, Howard P. "Buck" - 1/26/2011
Rep McKinley, David B. - 1/26/2011
Rep McMorris Rodgers, Cathy - 1/26/2011
Rep Meehan, Patrick - 7/21/2011
Rep Mica, John L. - 3/19/2012
Rep Michaud, Michael H. - 3/17/2011
Rep Miller, Candice S. - 8/5/2011
Rep Miller, Gary G. - 1/26/2011
Rep Miller, Jeff - 1/26/2011
Rep Mulvaney, Mick - 2/8/2011
Rep Murphy, Tim - 4/1/2011
Rep Myrick, Sue Wilkins - 1/26/2011
Rep Neugebauer, Randy - 4/12/2011
Rep Noem, Kristi L. - 10/13/2011
Rep Nugent, Richard - 2/8/2011
Rep Nunnelee, Alan - 3/8/2012
Rep Paulsen, Erik - 12/6/2011
Rep Pearce, Stevan - 2/15/2012
Rep Petri, Thomas E. - 1/26/2011
Rep Platts, Todd Russell - 4/15/2011
Rep Poe, Ted - 2/3/2012
Rep Polis, Jared - 3/29/2011
Rep Pompeo, Mike - 7/25/2011
Rep Posey, Bill - 1/26/2011
Rep Price, Tom - 7/6/2011
Rep Quayle, Benjamin - 2/3/2012
Rep Reed, Tom - 1/26/2011
Rep Rehberg, Denny - 1/26/2011
Rep Ribble, Reid J. - 3/10/2011
Rep Rigell, E. Scott - 2/8/2011
Rep Roe, David P. - 9/7/2011
Rep Rogers, Mike D. - 5/10/2011
Rep Rogers, Mike J. - 3/17/2011
Rep Rohrabacher, Dana - 1/26/2011
Rep Rokita, Todd - 5/10/2011
Rep Rooney, Thomas J. - 9/12/2011
Rep Roskam, Peter J. - 7/29/2011
Rep Ross, Dennis - 1/26/2011
Rep Ross, Mike - 2/8/2011
Rep Rothman, Steven R. - 5/23/2011
Rep Runyan, Jon - 5/3/2011
Rep Scalise, Steve - 10/13/2011
Rep Schilling, Robert T. - 4/5/2011
Rep Schmidt, Jean - 2/7/2012
Rep Schock, Aaron - 1/26/2011
Rep Schrader, Kurt - 3/10/2011
Rep Schweikert, David - 2/8/2011
Rep Scott, Austin - 9/7/2011
Rep Scott, Tim - 9/13/2011
Rep Sensenbrenner, F. James, Jr. - 2/11/2011
Rep Shimkus, John - 4/12/2011
Rep Shuster, Bill - 5/23/2011
Rep Simpson, Michael K. - 1/26/2011
Rep Smith, Adrian - 1/26/2011
Rep Smith, Christopher H. - 4/19/2012
Rep Smith, Lamar - 1/26/2011
Rep Speier, Jackie - 11/30/2011
Rep Stark, Fortney Pete - 5/3/2011
Rep Stearns, Cliff - 3/29/2011
Rep Stivers, Steve - 3/26/2012
Rep Stutzman, Marlin A. - 3/10/2011
Rep Sullivan, John - 6/13/2011
Rep Terry, Lee - 3/4/2011
Rep Thompson, Glenn - 1/26/2011
Rep Thornberry, Mac - 2/15/2011
Rep Tiberi, Patrick J. - 5/25/2011
Rep Tierney, John F. - 5/3/2011
Rep Tipton, Scott - 4/5/2011
Rep Turner, Michael R. - 5/23/2011
Rep Upton, Fred - 2/14/2012
Rep Visclosky, Peter J. - 4/1/2011
Rep Walberg, Tim - 2/11/2011
Rep Walden, Greg - 11/2/2011
Rep Walsh, Joe - 2/17/2011
Rep Welch, Peter - 6/22/2011
Rep West, Allen B. - 10/24/2011
Rep Westmoreland, Lynn A. - 2/8/2011
Rep Wilson, Joe - 2/28/2011
Rep Wittman, Robert J. - 1/26/2011
Rep Wolf, Frank R. - 9/7/2011
Rep Womack, Steve - 9/7/2011
Rep Woodall, Rob - 1/26/2011
Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. - 1/26/2011
Rep Wu, David - 5/4/2011
Rep Yarmuth, John A. - 5/3/2011
Rep Yoder, Kevin - 8/5/2011
Rep Young, C.W. Bill - 1/26/2011
Rep Young, Don - 1/26/2011
Rep Young, Todd C. - 3/29/2011