Dairy Farmer Michael Schmidt on Day 30 of Hunger Strike!

From the Daily Paul-

Dairy Farmer Michael Schmidt on Day 30 of Hunger Strike

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Natural raw milk farmer Michael Schmidt of Ontario, Canada, who is a friend of our family, is in day 30 of his hunger strike to ask for a dialogue about food choice in Canada with the leader of this province Dalton McGuinty.

For 17 years he's tried to maintain his livelihood after an armed raid on his farm, ongoing legal battles, and the recent overturn of a landmark victory where Schmidt was cleared of all charges. His situation is probably well known here on Daily Paul, however the fact that he is in DAY THIRTY of a hunger strike may not. Government oppression and tyranny is reaching new heights, and all he is asking for is an honest discussion of the situation with food production in Canada. This is about food supply, this is about leaders caring to hear from an expert in agriculture to learn and grow, and most of all this is about liberty.

Here is an article with the latest updates:

Michael is planning to attend the Raw Milk Freedom Ride in Pennyslvania/Maryland Nov. 1 as well.

All those who can including from the USA, please call the leader of Ontario's office and note your deep concern about this stonewalling: 416-325-1941
Fax: 416-325-3745
or email at: dmcguinty.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org
Also tweet him @dalton_mcguinty and @LibPressSec

As Michael has said:

“I will go right to the end. I wouldn’t do that if I wouldn’t have tried for the last 17 years to establish a dialogue. If there had been one gesture of dialogue … but there was none....I came from Germany. I have seen the aftermath of a situation where people didn’t rise up when there was still time to rise up … This is more serious than most people think."

Act now. Time is short. This situation must be rescued and made right.

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