Obamacare Wall of Shame #1
The following is a list of Michigan Senators who voted for SB 693
The Treasonous Trio
These Three Republicans are ultimately the architects of the treason against liberty. They voted to move the Obamacare Exchange out of committee.
(517) 373-2417 |
(517) 373-3760 |
(517) 373-3447 |
Senate Republicans who voted for the Obamacare Exchange on the Senate Floor
(517) 373-1725 SenDBooher@senate.michigan.gov (517) 373-5932 SenBCaswell@senate.michigan.gov (517) 373-3760 SenJEmmons@senate.michigan.gov (517) 373-1777 SenMGreen@senate.michigan.gov (517) 373-1635 SenGHansen@senate.michigan.gov (517) 373-1801 SenDHildenbrand@senate.michigan.gov (517) 373-0797 SenMJansen@senate.michigan.gov (517) 373-3447 SenRJones@senate.michigan.gov (517) 373-1760 senrkahn@senate.michigan.gov (517) 373-2417 SenJMarleau@senate.michigan.gov (517) 373-6920 SenAMeekhof@senate.michigan.gov (517) 373-2523 SenJPappageorge@senate.michigan.gov (517) 373-2617 SenRRichardville@senate.michigan.gov