Running roughshod over your rights

Two one-minute phone calls from you RIGHT NOW could very well save our Republic from turning into a complete tyranny of the majority party.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) plans to make good on his threat to pass his Big Government, anti-Tenth Amendment, federalized elections bill by Monday, January 17.

If Schumer doesn’t get his way, he will immediately move to end or weaken the filibuster so he can force his bill through the evenly split Senate.

While the Senate filibuster rule is usually something only political wonks pay attention to, this session is perilously unique. . .

You see, the filibuster rule is the only thing stopping the worst of President Joe Biden’s agenda from sailing into law.

Currently, most bills require the support of at least 60 senators to overcome a filibuster and receive a full vote in the Senate.

The 60-vote requirement keeps the Senate in check, as it requires at least some support from the minority party.

That’s why leftists are trying so hard to end the filibuster -- or weaken it substantially.

So far, the worst of Biden’s agenda has been thwarted, so he and his powerful allies want to remove critical barriers so they can accelerate the attack on your liberties.

You can almost hear the screams of agony from at least five key Democrat senators who are not moving in lockstep on this scheme as majority leadership twists arms to get their way. . .

U.S. Senators Kyrsten Sinema-AZ (202-224-4521), Mark Kelly-AZ (202-224-2235), Maggie Hassan-NH (202-224-3324), Jon Tester-MT (202-224-2644), and Joe Manchin-WV (202-224-3954) are primary targets of Senators Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin (IL).

It’s urgent you contact your own U.S. Senators immediately at 202-224-3121 and tell them to oppose ANY changes to the Senate filibuster -- especially if your senator was mentioned above.

President Joe Biden himself is escalating his inflammatory remarks against all Americans -- from the left, right, or center -- who don't support his efforts to override states' election integrity laws. . .

. . . he’s now calling them "domestic enemies:"

“I will defend your right to vote and our democracy against all enemies foreign and domestic. And so the question is where will the institution of United States Senate stand?”

And to get his way, Biden has made clear his demands to blow up the filibuster.

In the past, when prominent Democrats were in the minority, they were every bit as hysterical in support of the filibuster as today they are in opposition.

"You’re going to throw the entire Congress into chaos and nothing will get done!" then-Senator Joe Biden howled.

"It’ll be a doomsday for democracy," Senator Chuck Schumer growled.

"If you don't have 60 votes yet, it just means you haven't done enough advocacy and you need to work a lot harder," countered Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) when asked 3 years ago about blowing up the filibuster.

"I will not stand by when a party drunk with power tries to overturn 200 years of precedent!" Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) fumed.

The Democrats made countless statements like these.

The filibuster is an important part of the checks and balances to keep runaway power at bay.

That’s why it’s been such a big target for years.

The Senate filibuster has been an indispensable tool in stopping some of the worst big government power grabs over the years, including Cap and Tax, which would have driven energy costs through the roof, a National Gun Registration, and the so-called “Disclose” Act, which would have destroyed free speech for organizations like your Campaign for Liberty.

Don’t be fooled into thinking the fight over the filibuster will end if Biden gets his way on his election theft bill.

Neither party should have the ability to run roughshod over minority rights . . . but that is exactly what will happen if the filibuster is weakened in any way.

“Gotcha” politics will become the norm while Americans and their liberties will matter even less than they do right now.

Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) had a golden opportunity to guarantee the filibuster remain in place before he handed control of the Senate over to Chuck Schumer. Instead, McConnell took Schumer’s word that it would be maintained, and now we are on the brink of the filibuster being completely destroyed!

That’s why it’s so important you make two quick phone calls today!

Call your U.S. Senators immediately at 202-224-3121 and tell them to oppose ANY changes to the Senate filibuster.

It's especially crucial to call U.S. Senators Kyrsten Sinema-AZ (202-224-4521), Mark Kelly-AZ (202-224-2235), Maggie Hassan-NH (202-224-3324), Jon Tester-MT (202-224-2644), and Joe Manchin-WV (202-224-3954), as they are primary targets of Senate majority leadership.

If the Senate filibuster is eliminated (or even watered down):

>>The 50 Member Senate Democrat Caucus + VP Kamala Harris’ tiebreaking vote could fast-track any Senate bill, regardless of how radical it is.

>>The “Legalized Election Theft” bill would have a clear path to pass the Senate and be signed into law.

>>HR 8, HR 1446, and even HR 127, which are all designed to completely destroy the 2nd Amendment, would all be very likely to become law this year.

>>Repackaged “Green New Deal” legislation, which would cost taxpayers TRILLIONS would have a good shot to pass as well and usher in “The Great Reset.”

So please call your U.S. Senators immediately at 202-224-3121 and tell them to oppose ANY changes to the Senate filibuster.

It's especially crucial to call U.S. Senators Kyrsten Sinema-AZ (202-224-4521), Mark Kelly-AZ (202-224-2235), Maggie Hassan-NH (202-224-3324), Jon Tester-MT (202-224-2644), and Joe Manchin-WV (202-224-3954), as they are primary targets of Senate majority leadership.

You and I must get this message out to as many folks as possible before this latest attack on the filibuster is successful.

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