Thanks to the hard work of Texas C4L, several other gun rights groups and mostly due to voters and supporters like you Texas passed HB1927 which allows the lawful carry of a legally possessed firearm without a government permit. This is a big step forward in restoring rights that never should have been taken away in the first place. This restoration is not complete and we have more work to do until everyone that can legally posses a firearm can carry it to defend themselves. Right now 18-20 year old persons are excluded from the protections of the bill. There are other restrictions such as places that are off limits to those who are carrying and new signage that can be posted to exclude those carrying. Please familiarize yourself with the law changes by using a source you trust before you start carrying under this bill. Texas DPS is also tasked with free online courses for those that choose to carry. At the time of this post we have not been able to find those videos and hope to see them no later than September 1st. If you want to read the law as it was passed you can do so here. Thank you again to everyone that helped get us here and showed us we can win for Liberty!
In Liberty,
Byron Schirmbeck
State Coordinator
Texas Campaign For Liberty