Dear Supporter,

Campaign for Liberty gave candidates for State Legislature an opportunity to provide straight answers to the following questions. The answers from the candidates who won their elections can be seen below the list of questions.


  1. Will you support a “Constitutional Carry” bill that would allow any law-abiding citizen to carry a firearm concealed without a permit?
  2. Will you support a “Castle Doctrine” bill that would protect any law-abiding citizen who is protecting their property from civil lawsuits?
  3. Would you support legislation that would require the courts to inform juries of the principle of Jury Nullification?
  4. Will you support legislation to nullify ObamaCare and authorize state and local law enforcement to arrest federal officials attempting to implement the unconstitutional health care scheme known as ObamaCare?
  5. Will you support legislation that would protect citizens’ right to film public officials performing their official duties, as long as they do not interfere with official business?
  6. Do you support the end of public sector monopoly bargaining?
  7. Will you oppose all efforts to equip state police with “extraction devices” that download all of citizens’ cell phone information without a warrant?


"Y"= Yes "N"= No "+"= Will Sponsor
Dist  First Last Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7
1 Dan Watermeier
2 Bill Kintner Y+ Y+ Y Y Y Y+ Y+
3 Scott Price
5 Heath Mello
7 Jeremiah J. Nordquist
9 Sara Howard
11 Ernie Chambers
13 Tanya Cook
15 Charlie Janssen Y Y+ Y Y+ Y Y Y
17 Dave Bloomfield
19 Jim Scheer
21 Ken Haar
23 Jerry Johnson
25 Kathy Campbell
27 Colby Coash
29 Kate Bolz
31 Rick Kolowski
33 Les Seiler
35 Mike Gloor
37 Galen Hadley
39 Beau McCoy Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
41 Kate Sullivan
43 Al Davis Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
45 Sue Crawford
47 Ken Schilz
49 John Murante

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