Suicide Squad, the latest entry from DC Cinematic universe opens this week. Since this movie features several villains from Batman's "rogue gallery" and Batman makes a cameo appearance, TSA agents are no doubt stepping up their efforts to stop the latest threat to passenger safety: Batarangs.
That's right, TSA has been warning wanna-be Batmans not to try to bring their Batarangs on a plane.
The Hollywood Report has details:
Last week, someone tried to take a trio of the Batman weapon onboard a plane at San Francisco International Airport, according to the TSA.
As it has done in the past, the agency posted a picture of the batarangs to its Instagram account to once again remind travelers the item is not allowed onboard.
"Passengers are not allowed to bring anything on a plane that resembles a weapon, so anything like a boomerang or anything like that would not be permitted in the airplane cabin," Mike England, a TSA spokesman, told Heat Vision.
In a January Instagram post from Salt Lake City International Airport, the TSA said, "Batarangs are becoming more and more common and it’s important that you know they’re prohibited in carry-on bags. They can be placed in your checked baggage along with your grapple gun, bat-saw, collapsible bat-sword, and other utility belt items."
Read the whole story (and see some cool images of the confiscated Batarangs here.)
No word on whether the TSA is also banning Bat Shark Repellent.
Campaign for Liberty is working to end TSA harassment, please support our efforts.
Tags: TSA