This Week in Congress: War, Taxes, and Regulations

So what else is new...

The House of Representatives comes back to D.C. today. Today, they will consider fourteen bills under suspension of the rules. Among the bills considered is H.Con.Res. 11, a resolution calling on the U.S. Representative to the United Nations to push for the establishment of a "war crimes" tribunal against the Syrian government.

The resolution also calls for increased U.S. military involvement in Syria to "...protect civilians and ensure access to humanitarian aid for vulnerable populations."  Apparently, Congress is unaware that our existing involvement in Syria is one reason for vulnerable populations.

One of the unintended consequences of U.S. interventions in the Middle East is the increased persecution of Christians. In response to this, Congress will consider H.Con.Res. 75, which expresses the sense of Congress that those in the Middle East are committing "war crimes,” “crimes against humanity,” and “genocide.”

Since the United Nation's Convention for the prevention of genocide obligates governments who have signed the treaty to  "prevent and punish crimes against humanity," this resolution could be interpreted as a call for further U.S. military involvement in the Middle East. Great idea, because our intervention has been really helping  Middle Eastern Christians... oh, right.

The House will also consider legislation, H.R. 4721, extending the Airport Improvement Program, the Airport and Airways Trust Fund, and the Airplane "ticket tax." When he was in Congress, Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul voted against this type of temporary extension of government programs and taxes since Congress should be working to get the government of the air travel business.

Tuesday, the House will consider H.R. 3797 (the SENSE Act). This legislation sets the bases for EPA regulation of coal emissions. While it is good to see the House trying to set some limitations on EPA regulations, the fact is that both the economy and the environment would be better off if coal emissions were regulated by the market and by a strong court system that held manufacturers accountable for any harm their activities cause.

The House will also consider legislation, H.R. 4596, exempting some small broadband companies from certain reporting requirements, as well as legislation allowing the Speaker of the House to file an amicus (friend of the court) brief in a Supreme Court case regarding Texas's abortion law.

In the Senate on Tuesday, senators will consider the nomination of John King, former New York Education Commissioner, to be Secretary of Education. The rest of the Senate's schedule is undetermined at this time.

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