National Blog - page 304
Liberty NewsWire: Tuesday April 24th, 2012
Legislators will vote this week on a controversial new cybersecurity bill that would allow the government and corporations to easily exchange private information, despite Internet protesters who see the proposal as a threat to online privacy and [...]
Liberty NewsWire: April 23, 2012
In a lawsuit against three Indiana government officials, a labor union alleged on Wednesday that its constitutional rights under the Thirteenth Ammendment— which outlawed “slavery” and “involuntary servitude” — [...]
Liberty NewsWire Friday, April 20th, 2012
One of the big concerns we've had over politicians trying to regulate technology, is how gleefully ignorant they often seem to be about the technology they seek to regulate. It's no different with the cybersecurity bill CISPA. We've [...]
Senator Paul Again Tries to Block Foreign Aid to Egypt
This morning, Senator Paul took to the Senate floor and again called for a vote on an amendment that would cut off all foreign aid to Egypt until they immediately cease the prosecution of American citiziens who were arrested while working for [...]
Liberty NewsWire: April 17, 2012
In 2002, the FBI found after it analyzed DNA in 80 selected hair cases that its agents had reported false matches more than 11 percent of the time. “I don’t believe forensic science truly understood the significance of [...]
Special Announcement
Campaign for Liberty is proud to announce that the second annual Liberty Political Action Conference (LPAC) is on the way, and this year's edition will come to the East Coast! LPAC 2012 will be held in Chantilly, Va at the Westfields Marriott [...]
The next great threat to Americans' privacy has now emerged in a new so-called "cybersecurity" bill. H.R. 3523, the "Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act of 2011" or CISPA, is set to see floor action next [...]
The 99% Pays for Increased Taxes
During a recent hearing in the Joint Economic Committee, Senator Lee questioned Dr. Kevin Hassett about how increased taxation, no matter whom they're intended to target, in the end always affects the little guy --- the 99%, if you [...]
Liberty NewsWire Wednesday, April 18th, 2012
A new program in Houston will place undercover TSA agents and police officers on buses whose job it will be to perform bag searches, watch for “suspicious activity” and interrogate passengers in order to ‘curb crime and [...]
About those ObamaCare Savings ... Oops!
Remember ObamaCare? That unconstitutional law--at least by the meaning of the Constitution, though we don't yet know how the Supreme Court is going to rule--which was supposed to save us zillions of dollars. Well, [...]