National Blog - page 305
Liberty NewsWire: April 13, 2012
Governor Andrew Cuomo issued an executive order Thursday creating a health care exchange in New York, an online marketplace where consumers can shop for competing health insurance plans.The move brings New York into compliance with President [...]
Liberty NewsWire: April 11, 2012
Proponents of an online sales tax aren’t letting up in their push to move legislation through Congress this year, despite the opposition of conservative heavyweights.“The Supreme Court has correctly ruled against forcing businesses to [...]
Tell Your Senators to Support S. 202!
As H.R. 459, Audit the Fed, continues to gain momentum in the U.S. House, C4L needs your help today to turn up the pressure on the Senate to support its companion legislation, S. 202.With Congress in the middle of their “Spring [...]
Does the Minimum Wage Hurt Workers?
In this Learn Liberty video, Professor Antony Davies from Duquesne University seeks to answer that question.
Don't Forget: Intern with Campaign for Liberty!
Campaign for Liberty is looking for dedicated, liberty-minded high school or college students to intern for our summer semester (May 21 - August 17).The responsibilities of this paid internship include answering phones, handling [...]
Liberty NewsWire: Thursday, April 12th, 2012
I realize that most Americans or Europeans wouldn't be able to pick out Mali on a map. But it's still a shame that recent events in that West African country have been getting so little attention. Until recently, Mali was one of [...]
Victory in Iraq?
Remember Iraq? America was getting rid of weapons of mass destruction. Oops! Well, America was "draining the swamp" to create peace and stability throughout the region. Oops! At least America going to replace a [...]
Liberty NewsWire: Tuesday, April 10th, 2012
The TSA may be concealing the reason for this policy for security reasons, or it may just be taking the easy route: if you don’t explain a position, you don’t have to defend your reasoning. Instead, Richtel ends up citing two security [...]
Liberty NewsWire: April 9, 2012
The D.C. Court of Appeals is scheduled to hear oral arguments in a case brought by five tobacco companies challenging regulations requiring graphic warning labels on cigarette packs and advertisements starting in September.Once again, the [...]
Liberty NewsWire - April 6, 2012
The federal government ran a $777 billion deficit for the first six months of fiscal year 2012, the Congressional Budget Office estimated on Friday, including a $196 billion hole in March, marking the 40th straight month of deficits. - The [...]