By Tag "Rand Paul"

Rand Paul: Bring Them Home
U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) had an op-ed published in The Hill yesterday, calling for the troops in Afghanistan to come home. Sen. Paul cited the enormous costs to our nation of the war going beyond its original mission, and reiterated his plan [...]

McConnellCare: the Bad and the Ugly
Cause there's not much good... Yesterday Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell unveiled his latest ObamaCare "replacement" plan. The bill, like prior versions, maintains key features of ObamaCare. However, this bill is demonstrably worst. For [...]

Ron and Rand Paul: Now is the Time to Audit the Fed
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul and Senator Rand Paul recently co-wrote an editorial for RARE Liberty laying out the case for passage of the Audit the Fed bill this year. Campaign for Liberty is working to get a majority of the House to [...]

This week in Congress
With ObamaCare (sorta of, kinda but not really) repeal and replace on hold, the Senate was forced to revise their agenda this week. Yesterday they held a cloture vote on the treaty adding Montenegro to NATO. Sadly, only Rand Paul and Mike Lee [...]
This week in Congress: Will RINOCare Pass?
The Senate came in today to vote on nominations to the United States Sentencing Commission. The House came in yesterday. The big item of the week is the American Heath Care Act, better named the RepealInNameOnlyCare Act. The House is currently [...]

Will the Swamp Defeat ObamaCare Repeal?
By Senator Rand Paul, originally posted by This week, the Senate will likely move to proceed on a bill to repeal and maybe repeal/replace Obamacare. That’s what we’ve been told. What bill? Good question. Remember that [...]
Ron Paul and Norm Singleton on the Republican Health Care Bill
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul and President Norm Singleton issued the following statement on the Republican Senate health care bill: Ron Paul -- Like their colleagues in the House, the Senate Republican leadership has squandered an [...]

Campaign for Liberty joins Rand Paul to oppose Civil Asset Theft
Campaign for Liberty is proud to support Senator Rand Paul's Fifth Amendment Integrity Restoration (FAIR) Act (S. 642). The bill restores Fifth Amendment due process protections to the process of civil asset forfeiture theft. The bill has been [...]

Senate Cloture vote on NATO Expansion today!
Today at 5:30 the US Senate will hold the cloture vote on the treaty adding Montenegro to NATO. Senator Rand Paul has been leading the opposition to this treaty, and has been smeared by the war party for his efforts. Campaign for Liberty [...]

Rand Paul: Why I voted against the new CIA director
Personal is Policy, which is why many opponents of mass surveillance, warrantless wiretapping, and other violations of the forth amendment where disappointed when President Trump nominated surveillance state defender Mike Pompeo to serve as CIA [...]