Action Alert: Stop Election Theft

Your action is needed now.

The vote in the U.S. House on H.R. 1 is expected TODAY.

We are doing everything we can to stop it, but we must have the help of liberty loving patriots like you, or I’m afraid that our efforts will not be enough.

Please call your U.S. Representative at 202-225-3121 RIGHT NOW and demand he or she vote against H.R. 1.

This bill has so many bad ideas in one package including:

>>Forcing states to allow same-day walk-up voter registration;

>>Making it illegal to clean out voter rolls of deceased or non-residents;

>>Forcing states to allow early voting;

>>Forcing states to allow vote-by-mail, which is fraught with opportunities to commit fraud;

>>Forcing taxpayers to subsidize candidates they don’t align with politically; and

>>Policing online speech about elections with new broad and sweeping powers.

Your U.S. Representative must hear from you immediately and in no uncertain terms. This bill would be a disaster for our Republic.

Under our U.S. Constitution, elections are controlled by the states, but Congress wants to nationalize them and institutionalize all the avenues of potential fraud.

Please call your U.S. Representative at 202-225-3121 RIGHT NOW and demand he or she vote against H.R. 1.

H.R. 1 is not just about nationalizing elections in a brazen attempt by the left to guarantee victory in the future of every close race.

The so-called “For the People Act” also empowers federal regulators to categorize and regulate speech.

I’m afraid that the very future of Campaign for Liberty and other organizations like us would be in jeopardy because we’d be targeted for daring to publish the voting record of any candidate for office.

In short, we’d be muzzled.

One of the most effective ways that Campaign for Liberty holds politicians accountable after they take office is with our candidate survey program.

We ask candidates where they stand on the issues that are important to YOU and then hold them accountable to those answers after the election.

H.R. 1 could make our candidate survey program illegal under the broad new “online speech police power” they’re attempting to give themselves.

According to some experts, speech and articles that simply mention a candidate could be illegal if it falls within four months of an upcoming election, and any communication that mentions an issue that might be associated with a politician could be illegal!

So please call your U.S. Representative at 202-225-3121 RIGHT NOW and demand he or she vote against H.R. 1.

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