Audit the Fed Reaches 100!

Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill, introduced as H.R. 24 in this Congress by Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA), has reached 100 cosponsors in less than a month!

There's no greater sign of how much progress C4L has made since our founding than the rapid response to an issue we were once told would never see the light of day in Congress.

Check the list below to see if your representative has signed on to this critical legislation.  If they haven't, give 'em a call today!  If they are supporting Audit the Fed, urge them to do everything they can to get their more of their colleagues signed on!

Rep Alexander, Rodney  - 1/23/2013
Rep Amash, Justin  - 1/14/2013
Rep Amodei, Mark E.  - 1/14/2013
Rep Bachmann, Michele  - 1/14/2013
Rep Barletta, Lou  - 1/14/2013
Rep Barton, Joe  - 1/14/2013
Rep Black, Diane  - 1/14/2013
Rep Blackburn, Marsha  - 1/23/2013
Rep Bonner, Jo  - 1/14/2013
Rep Buchanan, Vern  - 1/14/2013
Rep Bucshon, Larry  - 1/15/2013
Rep Burgess, Michael C.  - 1/14/2013
Rep Camp, Dave  - 1/14/2013
Rep Capito, Shelley Moore  - 1/22/2013
Rep Carter, John R.  - 1/14/2013
Rep Chaffetz, Jason  - 1/14/2013
Rep Coble, Howard  - 1/14/2013
Rep Collins, Doug  - 1/22/2013
Rep Culberson, John Abney  - 1/14/2013
Rep DeFazio, Peter A.  - 1/4/2013
Rep DesJarlais, Scott  - 1/15/2013
Rep Duncan, Jeff  - 1/14/2013
Rep Farenthold, Blake  - 1/14/2013
Rep Fincher, Stephen Lee  - 1/14/2013
Rep Flores, Bill  - 1/23/2013
Rep Fortenberry, Jeff  - 1/14/2013
Rep Foxx, Virginia  - 1/14/2013
Rep Gardner, Cory  - 1/23/2013
Rep Gerlach, Jim  - 1/22/2013
Rep Goodlatte, Bob  - 1/14/2013
Rep Gosar, Paul A.  - 1/14/2013
Rep Gowdy, Trey  - 1/14/2013
Rep Graves, Sam  - 1/14/2013
Rep Griffin, Tim  - 1/14/2013
Rep Griffith, H. Morgan  - 1/22/2013
Rep Hanna, Richard L.  - 1/14/2013
Rep Harris, Andy  - 1/22/2013
Rep Hartzler, Vicky  - 1/14/2013
Rep Hastings, Doc  - 1/22/2013
Rep Heck, Joseph J.  - 1/14/2013
Rep Huelskamp, Tim  - 1/22/2013
Rep Huizenga, Bill  - 1/14/2013
Rep Hunter, Duncan D.  - 1/22/2013
Rep Hurt, Robert  - 1/23/2013
Rep Jones, Walter B., Jr.  - 1/4/2013
Rep Joyce, David P.  - 1/22/2013
Rep King, Steve  - 1/14/2013
Rep LaMalfa, Doug  - 1/23/2013
Rep Lamborn, Doug  - 1/14/2013
Rep Lance, Leonard  - 1/14/2013
Rep Latham, Tom  - 1/23/2013
Rep Latta, Robert E.  - 1/14/2013
Rep Loebsack, David  - 1/4/2013
Rep Long, Billy  - 1/15/2013
Rep Luetkemeyer, Blaine  - 1/14/2013
Rep Marino, Tom  - 1/14/2013
Rep McIntyre, Mike  - 1/4/2013
Rep McKinley, David B.  - 1/22/2013
Rep Michaud, Michael H.  - 1/4/2013
Rep Miller, Candice S.  - 1/14/2013
Rep Noem, Kristi L.  - 1/23/2013
Rep Nugent, Richard B.  - 1/23/2013
Rep Nunnelee, Alan  - 1/14/2013
Rep Olson, Pete  - 1/23/2013
Rep Pearce, Stevan  - 1/14/2013
Rep Peterson, Collin C.  - 1/14/2013
Rep Pingree, Chellie  - 1/22/2013
Rep Poe, Ted  - 1/23/2013
Rep Pompeo, Mike  - 1/23/2013
Rep Radel, Trey  - 1/14/2013
Rep Roe, David P.  - 1/14/2013
Rep Rogers, Mike D.  - 1/14/2013
Rep Rokita, Todd  - 1/23/2013
Rep Roskam, Peter J.  - 1/22/2013
Rep Runyan, Jon  - 1/14/2013
Rep Scalise, Steve  - 1/15/2013
Rep Schock, Aaron  - 1/14/2013
Rep Scott, Austin  - 1/23/2013
Rep Sensenbrenner, F. James, Jr.  - 1/15/2013
Rep Sessions, Pete  - 1/14/2013
Rep Simpson, Michael K.  - 1/15/2013
Rep Smith, Adrian  - 1/22/2013
Rep Stivers, Steve  - 1/15/2013
Rep Stockman, Steve  - 1/14/2013
Rep Terry, Lee  - 1/14/2013
Rep Thompson, Glenn  - 1/14/2013
Rep Tiberi, Patrick J.  - 1/22/2013
Rep Walberg, Tim  - 1/14/2013
Rep Walden, Greg  - 1/14/2013
Rep Weber, Randy K. Sr.  - 1/23/2013
Rep Webster, Daniel  - 1/15/2013
Rep Westmoreland, Lynn A.  - 1/14/2013
Rep Whitfield, Ed  - 1/22/2013
Rep Wilson, Joe  - 1/14/2013
Rep Wittman, Robert J.  - 1/15/2013
Rep Wolf, Frank R.  - 1/22/2013
Rep Womack, Steve  - 1/15/2013
Rep Woodall, Rob  - 1/22/2013
Rep Yoder, Kevin  - 1/23/2013
Rep Yoho, Ted S.  - 1/14/2013

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