By Author "Norm Singleton" - page 10

Trump Listens to Ron Paul and Gives Seniors Health Freedom
Last Friday, President Trump signed an Executive Order instructing federal agencies to take a number of steps to give seniors more choices in the Medicare program. The executive order repeals a Clinton-era rule forbidding any senior who refuses [...]

Death (Panels) and Taxes
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently unveiled the Democrats’ prescription drug plan. It is a big government monstrosity that may make ObamaCare look like free-market health care. The legislation was introduced as H.R. 3 signifying that this is [...]
Ron Paul on Rand Paul’s introduction of Legislation Blocking the Unique Patient Identifier
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul issued the following statement regarding Senator Rand Paul’s introduction of legislation repealing the federal law that authorizes the government to assign every American a Unique Patient [...]
Action Alert: Stop Patient Identifiers
In 1998, then-Congressman Ron Paul led a successful effort to forbid the government from assigning every American a “unique patient identifier.” The unique patient identifier, which was a key part of Hillary Clinton’s health care plan, [...]
This Week in Congress
The House is in session Tuesday through Friday. The big event of the week is a “continuing resolution” keeping the government open past September 30, which is the end of the fiscal year. Before leaving town for the August recess, Congress [...]

Unhappy Anniversary
Since this week marked the 70th anniversary of the “People’s Republic” (communist government which is neither a Republic nor for the people) of China, it is an excellent time to re-read Lew Rockwell’s classic essay “The Horrors of [...]

Last Week in Congress
The House is out for a two-week break, so today we will go back and review some of the events and legislation of last week. On Thursday, the Senate passed the Continuing Resolution keeping the government open until November [...]
This Week in Congress
The House is in session Tuesday through Friday. Right now, there are no votes on gun control legislation scheduled this week—but that could change. I have heard that the Democrats are still divided on what gun control bills they wish to [...]
This Week in Congress, Part Two
At this writing, it appears the Continuing Resolution will contain funding for the Commodity Credit Corporation, thus allowing the administration to continue to give taxpayer money to farmers harmed by the trade war with China. The bill is also [...]
Republicans’ Next Cave-In
Shortly before adjourning for the August recess, the Senate Transportation Committee passed a bill authorizing spending on transportation and infrastructure. The $287 billion bill creates new programs for climate change. These programs [...]