By Author "Norm Singleton" - page 11

Campaign for Liberty to President Trump: Just Say No to National ID
Campaign for Liberty has co-signed a letter to President Trump urging him to oppose any appropriations bill that allows the government to develop a “unique patient identifier.” Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul had blocked [...]

Ron Paul: FDA Outlier In Deregulatory Agenda
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul recently took to the pages of Real Clear Politics to criticize the Food and Drug Administration’s regulation of e-cigarettes. Dr. Paul points out the FDA’s actions are in contradiction to the Trump [...]
J. Neil Schulman RIP
The liberty movement lost one of its most unique and effective communicators on Saturday, August 10 when J. Neil Schulman died at the age of 66. Neil was the author of 11 books and a filmmaker who founded his own production company Sisulu [...]
Summary of Labor Appropriations Bill
With Congress on recess, this a good time to take a look at the components of the appropriations bills the House passed this summer. Today we’ll look at the Labor, Education, and Health and Human Services bill, which appropriates $189.9 [...]

Help Protect the Second Amendment!
I can’t comprehend what the anti-gun statists in BOTH parties don’t understand about the words you and I can plainly read in the Second Amendment’s clear and concise language. But I’m afraid the situation is growing more and more [...]

This Week in Congress
They’re back! Congress returns from its “August district work period” this week. The most significant event of the week is today’s Judiciary Committee mark-up of H.R. 1236 which gives federal grants to States to encourage them to adopt [...]
Stop the anti-gunners in D.C.
Most Americans are probably hoping to enjoy some of the last days of summer at the beach, parks, or just hanging out in their backyard grilling hamburgers and playing games with friends and family. . . But not the gun-grabbers! House [...]
Rand Paul: Audit the Fed Now
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) took to Twitter yesterday to respond President Trump's latest attack on the Federal Reserve with one simple point about the Fed: Campaign for Liberty is continuing our push to get a majority of the House to [...]

No Deals, No Gun Control
I can’t comprehend what the anti-gun statists in BOTH parties don’t understand about the words you and I can plainly read in the Second Amendment’s clear and concise language. But I’m afraid the situation is growing more and more [...]

Death of the Tea Party
Yesterday, the Senate passed H.R. 3877, the budget deal, by a vote of 67-28. 24 Republicans and 4 Democrats – Sherrod Brown (OH), Tammy Baldwin (WI), Chris Murphy (CT), and Debbie Stabenow (MI) — voted no. Here is the vote. Before voting [...]