By Author "Norm Singleton" - page 12

Ron Paul on Fed Interest Rate Cut
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul issued the following statement regarding the Federal Reserve’s announcement that it will be reducing interest rates for the first time in a decade: “The Federal Reserve’s reduction of its benchmark [...]

This Week in Congress Plus Wrap-Up of Last Week
The House has adjourned for the August recess, but the Senate remains in session. The Senate will be working on the budget deal. Campaign for Liberty is supporting Senator Rand Paul’s amendment to pair a short-term extension of the debt [...]

This Week in Congress
This week, the Senate may consider the SECURE Act. This legislation passed the House in May. The act makes changes to rules governing tax-free retirement accounts like IRAs and 401 (K)s. The bill originally contained a provision allowing [...]

This Week in Congress: Part Two
Yesterday, the Senate rejected, by a vote of 4-92, an amendment to the Tax Treaty with Spain offered by Senator Rand Paul that would have required requested information on tax records be individual and relevant to an ongoing investigation. This [...]

This Week in Congress: Update on Spending
President Trump has issued a veto threat to the National Defense Authorization Act because it only authorizes $733 billion instead of the President’s full amount of $750 billion. Of course, both bills spend too much, but the smaller amount is [...]

Ron Paul: The Fed Should Stay Out of New Real-Time Payments
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul recently penned an op-ed for Fox Business calling on the Federal Reserve to abandon plans to enter into “real-time payments.” You can read Dr. Paul’s op-ed here and below and please help Campaign [...]
Campaign for Liberty stands with Rand against budget deal
Campaign for Liberty is supporting Kentucky Senator Rand Paul’s efforts to amend the budget deal. Senator Paul’s amendment would replace the two-year suspension of the debt ceiling with a short-term extension that would be tied to [...]

(Budget) Deal or No Deal?
If it is a two-year budget agreement that raises spending -- Campaign for Liberty says NO DEAL! Speaker Nancy Pelosi is seeking to cut a budget deal with President Trump that would bust the caps imposed by the 2011 budget deal. As Campaign for [...]

This Week in Congress
The Senate will consider nominations and three tax treaties, one with Spain, one with Japan, and one with Luxembourg. Senator Rand Paul has objected to the treaties on the grounds they may threaten the confidentiality of American’s tax records. [...]

This Week in Congress Update: House Vote on Facial Recognition Technology
The House is currently working through more than 400 amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act. One of the amendments offered by Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) would forbid the Department of Justice from purchasing facial [...]