By Author "Norm Singleton" - page 6
Last Week in Congress Wrap-Up
Last week, the Senate passed a resolution (S.Res. 68) prohibiting the President from launching a military attack against Iran without approval from Congress. The bill passed with a vote of 55-45. The following seven Republicans joined every [...]
This Week in Congress
The Senate is done with impeachment, so they are back to nominations. The House is in session Monday through Thursday. The House is currently scheduled to consider H.J.Res. 79, which removes the time limits for states to ratify the Equal Rights [...]
Ron Paul Classic: Dr. Paul v Nancy Pelosi on Taxpayer-Funded Abortion
Since today is the March for Life, it seems appropriate to look back on one of the highlights of Ron Paul’s efforts to end taxpayer-supported abortion -- his 1997 amendment to the foreign operations appropriations bill forbidding the use of [...]
Classic Ron Paul: The Real Reason Clinton Should Have Been Impeached
With the Senate impeachment trial dominating headlines this week, it seems appropriate to look back on what Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul said about the 1998 impeachment of then-President Bill Clinton. At a press conference the week [...]

This Week in Congress
Happy New Year! Congress has returned! Because we did not have the opportunity to post a this week in Congress preview, we will do a wrap-up. The big event of the week was a resolution (H.Con.Res. 83) introduced under the War Powers Act [...]
Ron Paul Classic: No Federal Regulations of Tobacco
The $1.4 trillion spending deal that Congress passed and the president signed just before Christmas contained a provision banning tobacco sales (including e-cigarettes) to anyone under 21. So, an 18-year-old can join the military, fight, kill, [...]
Can the Fed Solve Climate Change
Remember Solyndra? That was the green energy company that received over half a BILLION taxpayer dollars in federal “loan guarantees” from the Obama stimulus plan . . . and then promptly went bankrupt. Solyndra became the [...]
Ron Paul, Thomas Massie, and Jim Bovard: Armed School is a Safe School
A tragedy was avoided last month when an armed shooter in a Texas Church was stopped by armed parishioners. This reinforces the fact that the best way to stop bad people with guns is good people with guns. That’s why it is so wonderful that [...]
This Week in Congress
The House is in session Monday through Friday. The big event of the week is the House vote to appoint managers for the impeachment trial in the Senate. The House may also consider legislation restricting the use of tax dollars for Iran, while [...]
And Now: The Airing of Grievances. . .
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) celebrated Festivus, the “holiday” created by Seinfeld’s Frank Costanza, by airing his grievances in the form of a year-end edition of his Waste Report. Among the examples of wasteful spending that make Senator [...]