Federal Reserve - page 10
Audit the Fed's chances of passing are better than ever
With a new Congress being sworn in next week, Audit the Fed's chances of passing both Chambers are better than ever. Note that since the last Congress ended without Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid allowing a vote on Audit the Fed in the Senate, [...]
Yellen Press Conference Translated from Fedspeak into English
Our friend Paul-Martin Foss has a fun article over at the Carl Menger Center for the Study of Money and Banking on Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen's press conference yesterday: In case you haven’t gotten enough of Janet Yellen’s press [...]
Audit the Fed Not Going Away
SPRINGFIELD, Virginia- Campaign for Liberty released the following statement today from C4L President John Tate regarding Congressman Thomas Massie and Senator Rand Paul’s plans to reintroduce the Federal Reserve Transparency Act (“Audit the [...]
Ben Bernanke Turned Down for Mortgage Refinancing
You know it's bad when a former chairman of the Federal Reserve can't even get a loan. Ben Bernanke revealed yesterday that he was turned down for a refinance loan. From Bloomberg: The former Federal Reserve chairman, speaking at a conference [...]
Ron Paul on CNBC: Give Free Markets A Chance
Austrian economists define inflation as an increase in the money supply, which in turn leads to higher prices for goods and services. This is important to note for a number of reasons, but most importantly for the point made by Ludwig von [...]
Janet Yellen's Christmas Gift to Wall Street
Last week we learned that the key to a strong economy is not increased production, lower unemployment, or a sound monetary unit. Rather, economic prosperity depends on the type of language used by the central bank in its monetary policy [...]
All I Want for Christmas is a (Real) Government Shutdown
The political class breathed a sigh of relief Saturday when the US Senate averted a government shutdown by passing the $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill. This year’s omnibus resembles omnibuses of Christmas past in that it was drafted in [...]
Why is the idea of auditing the Federal Reserve more popular than ever?
Check out this interview that C4L's own Matt Hawes and Norm Singleton did with Rare on our efforts to audit the Federal Reserve:
US Sanctions on Russia May Sink the Dollar
The US government's decision to apply more sanctions on Russia is a grave mistake and will only escalate an already tense situation, ultimately harming the US economy itself. While the effect of sanctions on the dollar may not be appreciated in [...]
Sorry, Chamber of Commerce, Fed Transparency Is More Important
Last week, like a parent admonishing their child, the Chamber of Commerce published a condescending attack on Senator Paul's attempt to force a vote on Audit the Fed in exchange for votes on nominees to the Fed's Board of Governors. While the [...]