
Recognizing Our State Volunteers
When I was running for president in 2008 and 2012, many people told me I was their “political hero.” I can’t tell you how humbled I still am to receive praise like that. But today, I want to take a moment to share a few stories with [...]
Kansas Embracing ObamaCare?
You are paying the health insurance bills for 97% of Obama’s “newly insured.” And if some Kansas legislators get their way, you’ll be paying for even more. ObamaCare stooges swore their scheme would bring prices down, since [...]
Why Kansans Should Oppose An Article V Convention
I have a number of important reasons for opposing a Convention of the States, but there is one in particular that needs to be pointed out and that I’d like to focus on. Kansas is one of the most conservative states in the nation. This is [...]
KS Leg Can't Be Trusted With Article V
Thanks to you and other concerned Kansans like you, the bill calling for a disastrous Article V Convention was defeated this legislative session, but we can’t let down our guard. You see, many of the legislators who voted for an Article V [...]

Back Door for Common Core in Kansas
The education establishment is talking out of both sides of its mouth and hoping you won't notice. While some members of the education establishment are telling us teachers won’t be able to teach basic math if Common Core [...]
Kid builds free library for Mother's Day, Town shuts it down
Your daily facepalm. Nine-year-old Spencer Collins of Leawood, Kansas decided to build a free library on his parents' property for Mother's Day. Unfortunately for the citizens of Leawood, the town is fighting back against the tyranny of free [...]