Members Posts - page 4
Throwing America and Americans under the Bus
The great communicator Ron Reagan was also the great deregulator because it was the neocons in his admin that opened the floodgates sending jobs and industry offshore to Asia, and all points of the compass. Since [...]
Barcelona gan
Get Informed about the Lawsuit regarding election fraud Are you a delegate? If so you need to listen to this. THIS IS CRITICAL TO THE CAMPAIGN.
ABOLISH THE PROPERTY TAX Don't let this idea die!
ABOLISH THE PROPERTY TAX Don't let this idea die! Campaign for Liberty The defeat of Measure 2 in North Dakota brought the possibility of eliminating state property tax to my [...]
The most up to date facts on Obama's probably forged birth, forged selective service and fraudulent SSN documents
CIA has a warehouse full of paper materials and typewriters from the '60's (any 20th century stock paper for that matter) and can knock out a paper birth forgery for Obama and just might do it. However the [...]
courier services
Thank you for putting together such a wonderful list of blogs. It helps save me tons of time. I can simply take advantage of these wonderful gems. courier services
A Sad Letter to an Old Friend
I've been a member of the Libertarian Party for more than 10 years, and I've flirted with libertarianism for decades before that. But the L.P. has lost its relevance during the present election cycle, so I recently, with sadness in my [...]
Milan gana a Barcelona en la Liga de Campeones
Albertini dijo que el Milan tiene la oportunidad de batir en Barcelona en el estadio San Siro. Sin embargo, cuando el mundo es Messi, sin duda, el mejor Camiseta Roma . Adem