Tell Minnesota legislators to oppose the con!
I am writing to you today about an issue of grave concern to me . . . an issue that could set the liberty movement and our country back decades or worse. Campaign for Liberty told you recently about dangerous bills applying for an Article V [...]
South Metro Campaign for Liberty Meeting This Thursday.
State Senators Julianne Ortman and Eric Pratt are plotting a massive power grab to silence the grassroots caucus system. Come this Thursday to hear about their plans to eliminate the caucuses and consolidate their power. Then learn how [...]
Announcing the First Meetings of the North and South Metro Campaign for Liberty Chapters
All liberty supporters are invited to the first meetings the South Metro Campaign for Liberty and the North Metro Campaign for Liberty. Campaign For Liberty needs patriots like you to help stem the tide of government corruption and tyranny. [...]
Judge approves forfeiture of car, despite not guilty verdict
A Minnesota man who had his car seized in connection with an arrest for burglary will not get his car back despite being found not guilty. From KFGO-AM Despite the jury's verdict, a judge has decided that the car will be forfeited to the [...]
Oppose the Con in Minnesota
I’m afraid I have some bad news to report. The Minnesota state legislature is being targeted by powerful, well-financed insiders, who are determined to “revise” the U.S. Constitution at an Article V Constitutional Convention. I need [...]
North Metro Campaign for Liberty is Tonight Tuesday, August 5th
The monthly meeting of the North Metro Campaign for Liberty is tonight Tuesday, August 5th! We will hear from Minnesota's own Jennifer Parrish who, with our friends at the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, is a leader in the [...]
Minnesota Constitutional Carry Resolution
The anti-gun lobby takes advantage of each tragedy in a gun free zone to demand even more draconian gun control laws. Rather than take responsibility for disarming people and seek to ensure that law abiding citizens have the ability to demand [...]
Constitutional Carry Resolution for the Minnesota Caucuses
Did you know that lawmakers are working with billionaire-playboy ex-New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s group, Mayors Against Guns, in St. Paul to push as much of President Barack Obama’s anti-gun agenda as possible? Worse, [...]