It's Candidate Survey Time 2024

The 2024 Texas primary is now just weeks away.

And the threat of a bunch of swamp-dwelling, authoritarian politicians continuing to infest government at all levels is hard to overstate. . .

Just consider how your liberty has been under assault from Washington, D.C. -- and even right here in Texas -- over the years.

But Big Government-loving politicians from both sides of the aisle, along with their special interest pals, probably think they already have the elections all wrapped up.

They are likely already planning how they can game the system for their benefit at our loss once they get their candidates in office.

It’s up to you and me to prove them wrong.

It’s true that many politicians have gotten comfortable repeating their favorite talking points and safely winning re-election year after year.

They count on you to forget their voting records and their refusal to fight for your liberty and put party “loyalty” over principle . . . while expecting you will give them your vote without question -- if you vote at all.

“Party over principle” and voter apathy have led to loss of liberty, and it’s time to put an end to this destructive cycle.

But how do we go about interrupting this cycle?

We must force candidates out of their comfort zones by demanding real answers to important liberty questions rather than letting politicians parrot meaningless talking points.

We must learn where candidates stand on important issues, so we are prepared for the legislative season.

And we must open the lines of communication between you and your would-be lawmakers now so they will be expecting you to keep a watchful eye on them later.

That’s why Campaign for Liberty is working on a survey program to put candidates for state and federal office on the record on important liberty issues.

You can view the list of questions and primary candidates for the state legislature here.

Click here to view the questions and primary candidates for U.S. House and Senate.

Survey responses have begun to trickle in, but just one week remains before the response deadline expires.

As we work toward liberty, it is imperative to have current and potential legislators on record concerning constitutional issues.

Many candidates will not want to go on record with their position on issues that are important to you. They would prefer to stick to their tired talking points, and they will ignore our survey unless you -- their potential constituents -- provide a little inspiration.

If candidates can’t answer basic liberty questions, they certainly can’t be trusted to vote correctly if elected.

So please call or visit the candidates in your area and ask them to complete and send in their Campaign for Liberty survey.

Their deadline to answer is February 15, and all results will be posted shortly after the deadline.

Politicians prefer to travel the path of least resistance. By applying enough pressure, you and I can force them on the record on key liberty issues.

Campaign for Liberty does not support, endorse, or oppose candidates for office. The goal of the Campaign for Liberty survey is only for keeping candidates true to their word should they be elected. It should not be construed as an endorsement of any candidate.

You are encouraged to research each of your candidates to make an informed decision on their positions.

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