By Author "Heather_D" - page 2
Drunk with Power
Across our Republic, governors and bureaucrats claiming executive power to combat the COVID-19 virus have assumed absolute power over the actions of those they are supposed to serve. Whether it’s New Jersey banning the sale of firearms, to [...]
End Unjust Taxation in WV
I have some good news. House Bill 2684, our Sound Money bill introduced by Delegate Pat McGeehan (R-1), would recognize precious metals as money and exempt them from state taxation. I need your help to push it through the state House and [...]

Tune In On Monday
Be sure to tune in to Chuck Gray's radio show on Monday, October 30, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. Chuck will be interviewing State Representative Roy Edwards, the bill sponsor for Wyoming Campaign for Liberty's Legal Tender Act. This bill recognizes [...]

Will the Swamp Defeat ObamaCare Repeal?
By Senator Rand Paul, originally posted by This week, the Senate will likely move to proceed on a bill to repeal and maybe repeal/replace Obamacare. That’s what we’ve been told. What bill? Good question. Remember that [...]
The End
S. 36, a bill applying for an Article V Convention, could be rammed through the North Carolina House in the closing days of session. If S. 36 passes, all of your rights would be open to revision -- or worse. In fact, it could spell the end of [...]
This is a BIG Deal, Tennessee!
I have some exciting news! While Campaign for Liberty continues to push for passage of Audit the Fed, there is something you can do RIGHT NOW to help end the Federal Reserve’s money monopoly! Tennessee Campaign for Liberty is working with [...]
Gun control vote today
Buried in this massive 1.3 trillion dollar Omnibus spending bill are two provisions empowering federal bureaucrats to wage war on your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. The House is scheduled to vote on the Omnibus bill in a few [...]
Please call Steven Palazzo
According to well-placed Capitol Hill sources, your representative, Steven Palazzo, is listening to Campaign for Liberty members like you and opposing attempts to sneak the online gaming ban into “must pass” appropriations legislation. . [...]
It's a terrible time for a convention
I am writing to you today about an issue of grave concern to me . . . an issue that could set the liberty movement and our country back decades or worse. In the ten years since our r3VOLution was sparked, you and I have fought together to beat [...]
Last Chance
Time is running out to purchase your tickets for the exclusive reception with Dr. Paul. Unfortunately, we’ll have to shut down sales tomorrow afternoon (March 7), so we can finalize all of the details for the event. The reception is being [...]