By Tag "Audit the Fed" - page 3
The Fed is Not Happy
You may have heard Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul is coming to Arizona next week. He’s hoping to help push HB 2014 -- which has already passed the state House -- through the Arizona Senate and into law. HB 2014 takes a major step [...]

Want to end the wars? Then End the Fed
Last September, the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity held an important conference on the warfare state. My favorite speech of the day (second to Ron Paul's) was Paul-Martin Foss' talk on the relationship between central banking and [...]

Federal Reserve's Independence?
One of the common claims made by opponents of the Audit the Fed bill is that passing the Audit would somehow compromise the Fed's independence. The problem with that argument is that it assumes the Fed is independent. In fact, the Fed has a long [...]

Ron Paul Statement on Audit the Fed
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul issued the following statement regarding the introduction of the Audit the Fed bill in the Senate by Senator Rand Paul (KY) and in the House by Representatives by Thomas Massie (KY-04): I applaud my son [...]

Thomas Massie: Audit the Fed!
Representative Thomas Masse (KY-04), lead sponsor of the Audit the Fed legislation, recently penned an Op-Ed for the Kentucky Courtier-Journal laying out the case for passing the bill: Beyond spurious internet ads urging, “Refinance your [...]
Join Me in Phoenix!
I have some exciting news. While Campaign for Liberty continues to push for passage of Audit the Fed, there is something you can do RIGHT NOW to help end the Federal Reserve’s money monopoly! My friend, Arizona State Representative Mark [...]

Classic Ron Paul: Greenspan punish savers
One of the major victims of the Federal Reserve's low-interest rate policies are those Americans who rely on savings. Last October, John Mauldin explained how the Fed has adversely impacted savers: Here’s the federal funds rate from 2007 to [...]

Senator Rand Paul and Representive Thomas Massie on Audit the Fed
Senator Rand Paul (KY) and Representative Thomas Massie (KY-03) have both issued press statements regarding their introduction of Audit the Fed legislation (S. 16/H./R. 24). Senator Paul's statement is available here and below: WASHINGTON, [...]

Ron Paul Classic: The Myth of Fed Independence
Congratulations to Representative Scott Garret (NJ-05) for bringing up questions about how politics influences Federal Reserve policies (and whether the desire of one Fed governor to serve as Treasury Secretary in a Hillary Clinton administration [...]

The Burrito Index: More accurate than the CPI
For years, Federal bureaucrats have manipulated the Consumer Price Index in order to hide the true rate of inflation. Fortunately, for those looking for a measure of inflation that cannot be manipulated, Charles Hugh Smith of the Of Two Minds [...]