By Tag "Audit the Fed" - page 9

Leftists economists admit Fed causes income inequality
Economists Gerald Epstein and Juan Antonio Montecino have produced two papers for "The Institute for New Economic Thinking"-- "Have Large Scale Asset Purchases Increased Bank Profits?" and the forthcoming, " The Impact of 'Quantitative Easing' on [...]

GOP upset over Fed's (selective) transparency
For an institution that is so opposed to transparency, the Fed is remarkably unconcerned about leaks from whistle blowers. Members of the House Committee on Financial Services Chairman Jeb Hernsarling send a letter to Federal Reserve Chair Janet [...]

Janet Yellen Speaks: Do Words Matter?
For weeks, if not months, investors have been agonizing over whether or not the Fed would remove the word “patient” from its assessment of monetary policy. The word indeed was removed at today’s Fed meeting. Chairman Janet Yellen, [...]
Do Audit the Fed Critics Know What They're Criticizing?
Much of the criticisms of our effort to Audit the Fed is not actually based in reality. Relying on Fed propaganda, critics are doing nothing more than setting up straw men and boldly knocking them back down. I'd like to point to one today in [...]
More Americans wising up to who benefits from Obamanomics
According to a new Pew Research Center Poll, 66% of Americans believe that President's Obama's polices have benefited the rich, not the middle-class (H/T: The Daily Caller): Sixty-six percent of Pew’s 1,504 respondents say “government [...]

RON PAUL: The Real War on the Middle Class
One of the great ironies of American politics is that most politicians who talk about helping the middle class support policies that, by expanding the welfare-warfare state, are harmful to middle-class Americans. Eliminating the welfare-warfare [...]

Audit the Fed Critic Disputes New York Times
As to what constitutes a bestseller... Former New Hampshire Senator (and Federal Reserve apologist) Judd Gregg had an op-ed in The Hill this week rehashing the same old straw man arguments about Audit the Fed. In the course of attacking the [...]
Yes, we can... audit the Fed!
During C4L's "Liberty Forum" at the 2009 Conservative Political Action Conference, we announced our young organization's top legislative priority - achieving an audit of the Federal Reserve. Dr. Ron Paul had then recently reintroduced the bill [...]
Investors Should Demand an Audit of the Fed
So says Denis Kleinfield at Newsmax: Who needs to operate in secrecy? The Federal Reserve, Wall Street and the government. But who gets audited? Investors. Just this last week, however, proposals were introduced into Congress to audit [...]
Former GAO Officials Say, Yes, We Can Audit the Fed!
Opponents of the Audit the Fed legislation claim that allowing the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to Audit the Fed would somehow "politicize" the Fed by giving Congress power to dictate monetary policy. The Wall Street Journal's [...]