By Tag "common core"
KS Leg Can't Be Trusted With Article V
Thanks to you and other concerned Kansans like you, the bill calling for a disastrous Article V Convention was defeated this legislative session, but we can’t let down our guard. You see, many of the legislators who voted for an Article V [...]

Back Door for Common Core in Kansas
The education establishment is talking out of both sides of its mouth and hoping you won't notice. While some members of the education establishment are telling us teachers won’t be able to teach basic math if Common Core [...]
Opt-Out of Common Core, Opt-In to The Ron Paul Curriculum
Oklahoma recently took action to protect the state’s children from the federal education bureaucracy by withdrawing from Common Core. Common Core is the latest attempt to bribe states, with money taken from the American people, into adopting a [...]
Bartow County School Board Candidate Survey Results 2016
Georgia Campaign for Liberty gave candidates for Bartow County Board of Education seats an opportunity to provide straight answers to the following questions. The candidates’ answers can be seen below the list of questions. Survey [...]
Common Core Bringing People Together...
... against it, as a wide coalition continues to push to rid education of this latest federal assault. Politico looks at actions on the local level challenging adoption of the Common Core: School districts from New Hampshire to Oregon are [...]
Steven Colbert Slams Common Core
Earlier this week comedian Stephen Colbert slammed the Department of Education's one-size fits all Common Core standards. Our state leaders across the country have been leading the charge to bring education control back to parents and the local [...]