By Tag "drones"
Judge, Jury, and Executioner
Imagine Unmanned Aerial Vehicles – commonly called drones – patrolling the skies over your neighborhood, giving the state unfettered access to everything you do. Drones equipped with high-tech cameras can scan entire cities or zoom in and [...]
The Failed 'Yemen Model'
Last September President Obama cited his drone program in Yemen as a successful model of US anti-terrorism strategy. He said that he would employ the Yemen model in his effort to “degrade and ultimately destroy” ISIS in Iraq and Syria. But [...]
Rand Paul in The Boston Herald: Barron not qualified for fed bench
Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky) writes in The Boston Herald today about why he is opposing David Barron's nomination to the First Circuit Court of Appeals. Barron is the author of a controversial memo justifying the extrajudicial killing of American [...]
Rand Paul to filibuster Barron nomination over drones
Senator Rand Paul issued a statement yesterday saying he intends to filibuster Professor David Barron's nomination to the First Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals: "I've read David Barron's memos concerning the legal justification for killing an [...]
The most [REDACTED] administration in history
The "most transparent administration in history" will finally have to publicize the criteria it uses to determine if and when to kill American citizens after exhausting all legal avenues to keep the information secret. From The Washington [...]

Assassination Nation
Stop what you're doing and read this. Thanks to a new whistleblower within the intelligence community, referred to simply as, "The Source," The Intercept just published "The Drone Papers," detailing America's counterproductive 14-year [...]
Argentina using drones to enforce tax laws; will US follow suit?
The Telegraph reports that Argentina is using drones to catch "wealthy tax evaders." I wonder how long it is before tax-hungry local governments start asking the Feds for drones to more “efficiently” assess and collect property taxes?
Stand with Rand 2.0
Your urgent action is needed to stop a hypocritical “progressive” from being appointed to a lifetime seat on the First Circuit Court of Appeals! David Barron, President Obama’s nominee for the First Circuit Court, could come up for a [...]
Obama's Drone Wars Undermine American Values
In this week's Texas Straight Talk from Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul, Dr. Paul takes on the Obama administration's targeted killing program and drone wars overseas. Campaign for Liberty has fought hard to restrict the use of drones and [...]
Civil Liberties Hodgepodge
This week there's been a number of stories worth highlighting regarding your civil liberties. On Monday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled the administration must disclose the legal rationale behind the targeted [...]