By Tag "Liberty at the movies"

Liberty at the Movies: Get Out
Get Out has been the surprise hit of the winter. A low-budget horror movie, it has grossed almost $200 million at the box office. The film is an excellent horror movie, which pays homage and makes good use of numerous horror-movie standards -- [...]

Liberty at the movies: Do Not Resist
Anyone who doubts that America is well on its way to becoming a police state should watch Do Not Resist, a new documentary available for free download at Do Not Resist examines the militarization of police. Like the best [...]

Celebrate Human Achievement
Tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. EST radical environmentalists (a.k.a.. watermelons green on the outside, red on the inside) will turn off their lights and unplug all electronic devices to mark "earth hour." The point of this is to show commitment to [...]

Liberty at the Movies: Best of the Year
1. Captain America: Civil War-- A perfect combination of sharp action, great acting, and a compelling script that juggles multiple character arcs without taking focus off the main character. Plus, by making the heroes those who resist a UN [...]

Liberty at the movies: Allied
Allied is a World War II spy thriller with an unusual premise and interesting twist. It also shows the heartlessness of government's wartime bureaucracies. Allied tells the story of Max Vatan, a Canadian Intelligence office, and Marianne [...]

Liberty at the Movies: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Making a sequel to a movie loved for its uniqueness must be both the easiest and toughest job in Hollywood. On the one hand, you have a roster of beloved characters and situations. On the other hand, an audience that embraced the first move [...]

Liberty at the movies: Risen
Looking for a good Easter movie with a libertarian theme? Try Risen, a 2016 release that details the resurrection story from the point of view of the Roman tribune assigned to investigate rumors of the resurrection of Jesus Christ following His [...]

Liberty at the movies: Logan
Logan is the first super-hero/comic book blockbuster of 2017 and boy does it set a high bar for the rest of the movies coming this year! The latest entry in the X-Men series, Logan is Hugh Jackman's swan song as Logan, a.k.a. Wolverine, the [...]

Liberty at the Movies: Rogue One
Rebellions are built on hope... Rouge One: A Star Wars story is (deservingly) cleaning up at the box office. This stand-alone Star Wars story is a thrilling adventure tale with one of the best major battles in a Star Wars movie since [...]

Liberty at The Movies: Inferno, Dr. Strange, Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them
Inferno, Dr. Strange, and Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them are three entries in the fall/winter blockbuster sweepstakes. All three have themes of interests to libertarians, but while Dr. Strange and Fantastic Beast are also both fun fantasy [...]