By Tag "Real Cuts Right Now"

Ron Paul and Norm Singleton on President Trump's budget
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Dr. Ron Paul and President Norman Singleton released the following statements regarding President Trump's budget: Ron Paul-- For all the hand-wringing by the left (and celebrations) by the right) over how [...]

Campaign for Liberty to Congress: Don't increase spending
Campaign for Liberty has joined a collation of organizations on a letter demanding that Congress adhere to the spending caps imposed by the 2011 budget deal. Of course, these caps are no where near the spending reductions needed, and in many [...]

C4L to Congress: Hold the line on defense spending
Campaign for Liberty has joined a collation of fiscally conservative organizations on a letter to the House Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price and Senate Committee Chairman Mike Enzi requesting that the final House-Senate budget [...]

Budget update
Last night the House of Representatives passed the version of the Republican budget containing the highest level of "defense" spending. The roll-call vote is here. I also have to correct an error in my blog post on the budget form yesterday. [...]
Government rings in the new year with $100 billion in new debt
While most Americans were ringing in the New Year with Champagne and Black Eyed Peas, the federal government was ringing it in by increasing the national debt by nearly $100 billion. That's right, the government added $98 billion to the [...]

Should Congress be in jail?
for violating Section 404 of Sarbanes-Oxley? Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act subjects CEOs to potential criminal liability if their company cannot pass a financial audit. Well guess who failed their latest audit (hat/tip: The Hill): The [...]

Obama to GOP: Raise spending on Warfare and Welfare
President Obama has issued a veto threat for the Fiscal Year 2016 Department of Defense Appropriations Bill (HR 2685). President Obama objects to the $38 billion in Overseas Contingency Operations (or"global war on terror") funding included in [...]

Campaign for Liberty to Congress: End NATO's free-ride!
Campaign for Liberty joined a coalition statement submitted to the House Subcommittee on Energy and Water Appropriations (which has jurisdiction over finding nuclear weapons programs) calling on Congress to stop making the US Taxpayer pay the [...]

God save the Queen (of the Hill)?
Today, the House of Representatives will vote on the Fiscal Year 2016 budget. As is custom, there will be a series of votes on various substitute budgets, including substitutes offered by the Congressional Black Caucus, the Progressive Caucus, [...]
How much does the US Government spend on Defense?
The official defense budget is 503.8 billion, but that is not the total the US Government spends on defense. Hidden thought out the federal budget are other items that should be classified as defense spending. So how much does the US spend [...]