By Tag "Ron Paul" - page 16

Ron Paul Classic: Right to Work is part of economic liberty
In addition to Audit the Fed and legislation reigning in civil asset theft, Senator Rand Paul has also introduced the National Right to Work Act (S. 391). This simple bill repeals the sections of federal law which authorize compulsory [...]

Ron Paul Tells House Judiciary Committee to Reject Online Gambling Ban!
C4L Chairman Ron Paul submitted testimony before the House Judiciary Committee today on H.R. 707, "The Restoration of America's Wire Act" which would overturn laws in a number of states by banning online gambling on the federal level. You can [...]

After a Twelve Year Mistake in Iraq, We Must Just March Home
Twelve years ago last week, the US launched its invasion of Iraq, an act the late General William Odom predicted would turn out to be “the greatest strategic disaster in US history.” Before the attack I was accused of exaggerating the [...]
Yes, we can... audit the Fed!
During C4L's "Liberty Forum" at the 2009 Conservative Political Action Conference, we announced our young organization's top legislative priority - achieving an audit of the Federal Reserve. Dr. Ron Paul had then recently reintroduced the bill [...]
Ron Paul Testimony Before the Senate Banking Committee
Ron Paul reads his written submitted testimony to the Senate Banking Committee hearing on Federal Reserve Reform on March 3, 2015 Testimony of Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Hearing [...]
Repeal, Don’t Reform the IMF!
A responsible financial institution would not extend a new loan of between 17 and 40 billion dollars to a borrower already struggling to pay back an existing multi-billion dollar loan. Yet that is just what the International Monetary Fund (IMF) [...]

Ron Paul in Roanoke Times: Will Republicans bet on Liberty?
C4L Chairman Ron Paul penned an op-ed today in the Roanoke Times calling on the House GOP to reject the Restore America's Wire Act (H.R. 707) which would overturn laws in seven states and ban online gambling. Roanoke is the backyard of House [...]
Iran Fighting ISIS – Is it Really a Problem?
As Iran continues to take an active role in helping Iraq fight ISIS, many US neocons are upset that the US military is not over there on the ground doing the fighting. They believe that only another US invasion of Iraq – and of Syria as well [...]
Ron Paul: The Most Forceful Advocate of Limited Government
Roll Call magazine is celebrating 60 years with a weekly "Throwback Thursday Congressional Quiz." Yesterday, one of the questions was, “What freshman lawmaker was described as 'somewhat cocky and questioning' in 1976?" The answer? [...]
Department of Homeland Security: What is it Good For?
Late Friday night, Congress passed legislation funding the Department of Homeland Security for one week. This vote followed weeks of debate over efforts to attach a prohibition on funding President Obama’s executive order granting amnesty to [...]