By Tag "Ron Paul" - page 5

See Ron Paul and Help End the Fed's Money Monopoly!
If you live in or near Phoenix, Arizona mark your calendars for March 8 (next Wednesday), because you will have three opportunities to hear Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul talk about the subject that inspired him to get involved in public [...]

Classic Ron Paul: No Faith-Based Statism
One of the most dangerous (if well-meaning) domestic initiatives pushed by the George W. Bush administration was to expend federal funding for "social services" provided by faith-based institutions. By putting religious organizations on the [...]

Classic Ron Paul: Greenspan punish savers
One of the major victims of the Federal Reserve's low-interest rate policies are those Americans who rely on savings. Last October, John Mauldin explained how the Fed has adversely impacted savers: Here’s the federal funds rate from 2007 to [...]

Ron Paul Classic: Don't Draft Women!
In a little noticed move, President Obama endorsed forcing women to register for the Selective Service. If enacted, this would mean that if a future Congress was stupid enough to reinstate the draft, women would be forced into military [...]

USA Freedom Act: Ron Paul was right again
During the debate over the USA Freedom Act, Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul wrote that: However, Edward Snowden's revelations have galvanized opposition to the NSA’s ongoing violations of our liberties. This is why Congress will soon [...]

Classic Ron Paul: Burt Blumert - A Hero of Liberty
"I told everyone what to do, they didn’t listen, so to heck with them!” That quote is from my last conversation with Burt Blumert, who would have turned 88 this week. Burt is one of the unsung heroes of the liberty movement. In fact, it's [...]

Obama listens to Ron Paul
Yesterday, President Obama announced he was granting clemency to whistle-blower Chelsea Manning. Last week, Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul joined former Congressman Dennis Kucinich requesting that President Obama grant Manning [...]

Classic Ron Paul: Hands Off the Electoral College
Since the election, there have been renewed calls to abolish the electoral college, so that the president could be elected by popular vote. In 2004, Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul explained why defenders of individual liberty and [...]

Libertarian Populism
Populism gets a bad rap from many in the liberty movement. This is because they view populism as an ideology that favors unlimited mob rule, allowing numerous violations of economic and personal liberties. While some populist movements may result [...]

Classic Ron Paul: Chained CPI Chains Taxpayers
Last week the goverment announced that social security recipients and veterans will get a .03% cost of living increase, which amounts to a whopping $5 a month. The low cost of living increase is justified by government statistics claiming to [...]