By Tag "Budget"
This Week in Congress
The Senate comes into session and is likely to spend the bulk of the week on nominations, including a new member of the Federal Communications Commission. The House is in session Monday through Friday. The big bill on the schedule is the Fiscal [...]

This week in Congress
The House and Senate are in session Monday through Friday this week. Congress begins working on appropriations bills as several cabinet heads and other officials appear before before the relevant House and Senate Appropriations subcommittees to [...]

Update on budget and ObamaCare "repeal"
Congress is out of session this week for Memorial Day recess. When they get back, they will need to get to work on passing a budget and begin working on appropriations. Usually the House would have already started working on appropriation [...]

Vote on (Un)Balanced Budget today
Today, the House of Representatives will vote on the House-Senate Budget Conference Report. The Congressional leadership claims it is a "fiscally responsible" budget that stays within the budget caps, but that is only because the budget hides [...]
Ron Paul: Another Phony Budget Debate
C4L Chairman Ron Paul takes on the phony budget debate in the latest edition of Texas Straight Talk. Under Dr. Paul's leaderhsip, Campaign for Liberty will continue to work for Real Cuts, Right Now: Anyone watching last week’s debate over [...]

This Week in Congress Update
The Congressional leadership is really going to attach the debt ceiling increase to the Hurricane Harvey relief bill. The plan is to pass a clean relief bill tomorrow in the House and then send it to the Senate where they will attach a debt [...]

Trump’s Budget: Radical Change or More of the Same?
President Donald Trump's proposed budget has generated hysteria among the American left. Prominent progressives have accused the president and his allies of wanting to kill children, senior citizens, and other vulnerable Americans. The reaction [...]

BREAKING: Rand Paul Will Filibuster Budget Deal
"I will stand firm and spend every ounce of energy to stop it. I will begin tomorrow to filibuster it." -- Rand Paul, CNBC debate, 10/28/15 Senator Rand Paul threw down the gauntlet last night -- vowing to FILIBUSTER John Boehner and Mitch [...]
Wyoming Turncoats Show The Battle Is Not Over
The Wyoming House is maneuvering to "slip" Medicaid expansion into their supplemental budget bill, and I need your help TODAY to stop it! The outcry of opposition from you and me caused them to vote it down a couple of weeks ago, but now [...]
Obama budget gets 2 votes in House!
The House defeated President Obama's budget 2-413 yesterday. On the bright side for the president, this is two more votes than his budget received in either the House or the Senate in 2012. From The Washington Times: Mr. Obama’s 2015 plan, [...]