By Tag "gun ban"

Does Gun Control Work?
By Danny Lewis National attention shifted back to the gun control debate after the recent shooting in Louisiana. Many are arguing for stricter background checks. MSNBC Reports: The most recent mass shooting at a movie theater in Lafayette, [...]
3 Truths Ignored by the Feinstein Gun Bill
By: David Heacock The debate over gun control heated up this week as California Senator Dianne Feinstein introduced her so-called “Assault Weapons” Ban of 2013. The proposed bill would ban the sale, transfer, manufacturing, and importation [...]

Veterans Being Denied 2nd Amendment
By Danny Lewis Recent reports indicate that the overwhelming majority of people being put on the mentally defective list restricting their ability to own a gun are United States combat Veterans. According to an article by Town [...]
Just Say No...
... To Feinstein's "Cosmetic Features Ban" of 157 specifically named "scary looking" rifles, shotguns, and handguns. Despite the Senator's claims, these guns were never intended for military use. Skimming through the list, one will spot [...]