By Tag "gun control" - page 2

Veterans Being Denied 2nd Amendment
By Danny Lewis Recent reports indicate that the overwhelming majority of people being put on the mentally defective list restricting their ability to own a gun are United States combat Veterans. According to an article by Town [...]

Stupidest gun control idea ever?
Representative Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) has introduced HR 1745, legislation that would provide a $2,000 tax credit for anyone who turns in an "assault weapon" to government...because getting guns out of the hands of private citizens and into the [...]
Are There Lessons for Us Today from Nazi Gun Control?
UPDATE: If you can't attend, watch the live stream of the event here. Campaign for Liberty members in the Bay Area may want to attend "Are There Lessons for Us Today From Nazi Gun Control?" this Thursday at the The Independent Institute’s [...]
Government Shutdown, Public Awakening?
By: Matt McBride In 2013, a plethora of events have provoked public outcry: for example, the attempt to exploit the Sandy Hook shootings to justify new gun control; the NSA’s PRISM program and the right to privacy; and the Syrian Civil [...]
Film industry pleas for exemption from NY gun control
At least one group of elitist liberals is asking for an exemption from New York State’s new gun control law. Apparently, the ambiguity of the law has some in Hollywood concerned that it would prevent them from using life-like assault weapons [...]

Does Karl Rove support gun control?
Maybe not, but his answer to the question of how we stop gun violence does raise suspicions: So, we have come a long way. Now, maybe there's some magic law that will keep us from having more of these. I mean, basically, the only way to guarantee [...]
Michael Bloomberg: Racism in Defense of Gun Control is no vice
Former New York City Mayor and anti-gun fanatic Michael Bloomberg recently suggested that "Cities need to get guns out of … hands” of persons who are “male, minority, and between the ages of 15 and 25.” So Bloomberg thinks that [...]
House to vote on gun rights today--UPDATE GUN RIGHTS WON
UPDATE REPRESENTATIVE MASSIE'S PRO-GUN RIGHTS AMENDMENT PASSED BY A VOTE OF 241-181. Roll-call vote here. Today, the House will consider the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act (HR 5016). Among the items [...]
Like father, like son
by John Watts Vice President Joe Biden is planning to continue his efforts at expanding background checks after the Manchin-Toomey gun control bill recently failed in the Senate. According to Politico, the Vice President has yet to let his [...]
Beware of "benign" gun control legislation
By John Watts Don’t allow the punditry to fool you – serious gun control efforts have not lost momentum. Legislative efforts to restrict Americans from possessing firearms are not dead by any stretch of the imagination. Predictably, a [...]