By Tag "IRS" - page 4
Judge rules it is OK to auction widow's home over $6 tax bill
This is what happens when you give the government the power to tax and is one of the reasons why we continue to fight the IRS. A widow owed her county $6.30 in property taxes and unpaid interest. When she didn't pay- she claims she wasn't aware [...]
IRS awards bonuses to employees who didn't pay taxes
The IRS doled out millions of dollars worth of bonuses to employees with disciplinary issues, including employees who hadn't paid their taxes. Via USA Today: The Internal Revenue Service handed out $2.8 million in bonuses to employees with [...]
Megan Stiles on The Blaze
I was on Wilkow! on The Blaze yesterday talking about the IRS targeting Campaign for Liberty. Watch a preview below and the full video here.
When the IRS Attacks
Recently, the IRS levied a fine (plus interest for each day it's not paid) against Campaign for Liberty for withholding the names of our donors from the IRS on our annual 990 filing. As a matter of principle, C4L believes it is vital to [...]
Obama has proposed 442 tax increases in office
Happy Tax Day, aka Barack Obama's favorite day of the year! During his presidency, Barack Obama has proposed a whopping 442 tax increases according to Americans for Tax Reform: Since taking office in 2009, President Barack Obama has formally [...]
IRS employees don't pay taxes, still get bonuses
No this is not from The Onion. The IRS actually gave bonus to employees who have failed to pay their own taxes. That's right, according to a report from the Treasury Department's Inspector General for Tax Administration, being guilty of [...]
Why we fight the IRS
Campaign for Liberty has been in the news a lot lately about our fight against the IRS. You can read a recap of the events here. But basically the IRS is requesting information on our donors, and fining us for not providing it. The right of [...]
Ron Paul Discusses IRS Targeting of C4L on Cavuto
"They're after us! They want money from us!" Watch Ron Paul's interview on Cavuto discussing the IRS targeting Campaign for Liberty:
Ron Paul Classic: The IRS's job is to violate our liberties
Tax Day is a good day to reread Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk from last year on the IRS's targeting of pro-liberty and Tea Party groups . Dr. Paul makes the case that the only way to protect our civil, as well as [...]
IRS to tax Bitcoin as property
Via Time: The Internal Revenue Service announced on Tuesday that it will categorize virtual currencies like Bitcoin as property, and not as a currency, a move that will impose significant taxes and regulations on the fledging market, but will [...]