By Tag "IRS"
It's a CRISIS!
I just learned that today the Senate will vote on legislation overturning the Trump administration’s regulation forbidding the IRS from demanding the names of Campaign for Liberty’s supporters. The vote will be in just a few hours, so [...]

Should the IRS Have Total Power?
Happy Tax Theft Day! Since April 15 was the day that DC celebrated "Emancipation Day"-- which commemorates the signing of the "Compensated Emancipation Act," that freed 3,000 slaves in the District of Columbia-- the IRS delayed tax [...]

What do you get when you combine the IRS with crony capitalism
Something really bad... Campaign for Liberty has joined a collation letter in opposition to HR 4141. This legislation gives the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) authority to license tax preparers. Proponents of the bill claim that the IRS needs [...]

RON PAUL: Will the IRS Take Your Passport?
A little-noticed provision in the highway funding bill Congress passed this week threatens a right most Americans take for granted: the right to travel abroad. The provision in question gives the Internal Revenue Service the authority to revoke [...]

Senate DRIVing away liberty
UPDATE: The Senate has removed the provision limiting the ability to those with outstanding felony warrants to receive social security, meaning none of the bill's funding is offset with spending cuts. Instead, the increased transportation funding [...]

Ron Paul on Taxes
Since millions of Americas are right now wrestling with their 1040 forms on the eve of the tax filing deadline, this seems like a good time to revisit some of Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul's writing on taxes. 1. Cut, Don't Reform [...]

This Week in Congress: Protect Taxpayers From the IRS
The House of Representatives is in session Monday through Thursday this week. On Monday and Tuesday, the House will consider "suspensions." Since this is tax week, the House will focus on legislation dealing with the Internal Revenue [...]

Ron Paul Comments on IRS Rule Allowing Charities to Solicit Social Security Numbers from Donors
C4L Chairman Ron Paul, submitted the following comments on the proposed IRS rule, "Substantiation Requirement for Certain Contributions" (REG-138344-13.) This rule would allow charities to solicit the Social Security number from donors. Here [...]

Campaign for Liberty fights California Attorney General's assault on the First Amendment
Campaign for Liberty has joined 58 organizations in signing an amicus brief asking the Supreme Court take up the case of Center for Competitive Politics v. Kamala Harris, Attorney General of California. This case challenges the legality of [...]

Ron Paul Classic: Tax Reform is Useless Without Spending Reform
Since today is April 15, "conservative" politicians will be proclaiming their opposition to high taxes and their commitment to "ending the IRS" in floor speeches, press releases, Facebook posts, YouTube Videos, and tweets. This is all [...]