By Tag "monetary policy"

Ron Paul and Norm Singleton react to Fed rate hikes
Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul and President Norm Singleton issued the following statements regarding the Federal Reserve's interest rate increase: Ron Paul -- The Federal Reserve claims it can continue "tightening" -- even though it [...]
Ron Paul: Is Inflation Dead?
Spoiler Alert: NO Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul put the following statement on his Facebook page in response to a Washington Post article claiming that inflation is dead: The Death of Inflation? Hardly! by Ron Paul Matt O’Brien [...]
It was forty-three years ago today
President Richard Nixon closed the gold window, ending the post-WW II "Brenton Woods" system and severing the last link between the U.S. dollar and gold. Nixon did this to "stabilize" the value of the dollar. As Dr. Phil would say, HOW IS THAT [...]
Audit the Fed will dispel misconceptions about central banking
By John Watts Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) is continuing the fight against the United States’ inherently corrupt, obstinate cartel banking-system by re-introducing the Federal Reserve Transparency Act (S. 209). Supporting the Federal Reserve [...]

Ron Paul Classic: Arizona Challenges the Fed's Money Monopoly
but first here is a roundup of some recent media coverage of Arizona's legislation making gold,silver and other precious metals legal tender: Arizona ends taxation on purchase and exchange of gold and precious metals Arizona Governor [...]
Upcoming Event on the Search for a Monetary Constitution
Campaign for Liberty supporters in the DC-area may want to attend The Cato Institute's Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives event "Renewing the Search for a Monetary Constitution," this Wednesday at noon at CATO's FA Hayek [...]
Audit the Fed: The Time Has Come
By: Michael Clayton With Sen. Rand Paul announcing his intention to place a hold on the nomination of Janet Yellen to be the new Federal Reserve Chairman unless he gets a vote on his Audit the Fed bill, the moment we have been waiting for may [...]